Infographic: Innovation. The New Competitive =Quation.

Examining Innovation Strategies and Roadblocks in Today's Enterprise
In today's innovation economy, institutions of all types and sizes are challenged to rethink and redesign the future. To do so, they must embrace innovation-driven business cultures, processes and platforms, break down barriers to change, and empower innovation leaders and thinkers across and beyond corporate boundaries.
Innovation: The New Competitive Equation represents the BPI Network's first annual state-of-innovation study. It looks at what our members and other leading executives around the world are saying and doing about innovation within their organizations and the roadblocks, accelerants, challenges and opportunities they see. Our findings are based on a survey of more than 200 top executives across the globe, coupled with qualitative interviews from some of our top board members. We hope our findings and analysis will be helpful to agents of change around the world. Download Report »