infographic: how smart leaders grow experts
Many industries are contending with shortages of experts in scientific, technical, engineering, and math (STEM) specialties. Rather than revisit the well-known efforts of companies to recruit STEM talent, APQC turned the problem on its ear and asked: How can organizations leverage the experts they have while, at the same time, accelerating the rate of learning for new hires and mid-career employees? Download Report »
Top 3 Factors Driving STEM Talent Development Infographic »
About BPI Partner APQC
APQC is a member-based nonprofit and one of the world’s leading proponents of business benchmarking, best practices, and knowledge management research. APQC's mission statement is to help organizations around the world improve productivity and quality by discovering effective methods of improvement, broadly disseminating findings, and connecting individuals with one another and with the knowledge they need to improve. APQC's research and expertise covers five core functional areas including Business Excellence, Financial Management, Human Capital Management, Knowledge Management, and Supply Chain Management. Visit Website »