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October 21, 2020 - Paul Mah, CDOTrends
Chief Data Officers Are Turning To the Cloud for Data Storage, Analytics
Chief data officers (CDOs) of large and mid-sized companies are gaining significant competitive advantage through analytics and activation of fast-growing, cloud-based data repositories.
October 20, 2020 - SalesTech Star
Chief Data Officers Report Progress Delivering Business Value With Large Data And Analytics Projects
Chief data officers (CDOs) of large and mid-sized companies are gaining significant competitive advantage through analytics and activation of fast-growing, cloud-based data repositories, reports the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
September 22, 2020 - Erik Linask, TechZone360
5G is Coming, But How Quickly?
Wireless networks have truly become an embedded part of our culture. In both our business and personal lives, mobile devices and networks have become part of the way do things – just about everything.
August 3, 2020 - Bryan E. Robinson Ph.D., Psychology Today
This One Hidden Habit Protects You From Burnout
No one is immune to burnout. It can hit the overworked and undervalued high-achieving executive, the frontline workers toiling around the clock, or remote workers at home trying to balance a job with homeschooling their kids.
July 31, 2020 - Bryan Robinson, Ph.D., Forbes
The Secret Mojo To Sidestep COVID-19 Burnout
A 2018 study by BPI Network found that 63% of worried and worn out parents have experienced burnout before the pandemic, and 40% of the cases were significant.
July 24, 2020 - Audrey Conklin, Fox Business
Does 5G pose a security risk?
Some cybersecurity experts warn that fifth-generation, or 5G, wireless-capable devices could be more prone to hacking attempts due to an increase in web traffic and without proper security foundations in place.
July 21, 2020 - Banking Dive
Banking and Finance Companies Face Rising Demand For Digital Document Creation
The BPI Network Launches New Survey on Managing and Supporting PDF Power Users While Corralling Software Licensing Costs
June 29, 2020 - Paul Nicholson, Cyber Defense Magazine
Security in A Multi-Cloud Environment
As companies leverage a multi-cloud strategy to improve IT operations and provide better services to their customers, they can’t afford to overlook the implications for security.
May 29, 2020 - Catherine Knowles, DataCenterNews
5G not impacted by COVID-19, commercial deployment draws near
Mobile service providers are making progress towards 5G networks to bring high speed mobile connectivity to new applications and smart infrastructure.
May 28, 2020 - Help Net Security
Operators rethinking security while making rapid progress toward 5G
Mobile service providers say they are making substantial progress toward ushering in a new generation of 5G networks that will enable ultra-high-speed mobile connectivity and a wide variety of new applications and smart infrastructure use cases.
May 28, 2020 - Catherine Sbeglia, RCR Wireless News
Mobile operators are moving rapidly towards 5G deployment: Report
In a recent survey conducted by Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network in partnership with A10 Networks, mobile service providers reported substantial progress in the deployment of commercial 5G networks, with most — 71% — claiming that they have either already begun rollouts or will do so within the next 18 months.
May 27, 2020 - Alan Weissberger, IEEE ComSoc
BPI Network: 5G Commercial Deployment Status & Importance of 5G Security?
The percentage of mobile service providers who say their companies are “moving rapidly toward commercial deployment” has increased significantly in the past year, climbing from 26 percent in a survey announced in early 2019 to 45 percent in the new survey.
May 27, 2020 - Melanie Mingas, Capacity
Covid-19 unlikely to delay 5G deployments
Mobile service providers are making “substantial progress” in their 5G roll outs despite the additional challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
May 11, 2020 - Paul Nicholson, International Security Journal
Mitigating the Security Risks in a Multi-Cloud Environment
As companies leverage a multi-cloud strategy to improve IT operations and provide better services to their customers, they can’t afford to overlook the implications for security.
May 4, 2020 - Sarah Rizvi, Network Middle East
Security in a Multi-Cloud Environment
Companies cannot afford to overlook implications to improve their security while improving other aspects of their IT operations.
May 4, 2020 - Paul Nicholson, Global Trend Monitor
Security in a Multi-Cloud Environment
Enterprise leaders are citing security as the top challenge while working to restructure their IT.
April 28, 2020 - Paul Nicholson, Data Centre Review Magazine
Staying Secure in a Multi-Cloud Environment
Paul Nicholson, director of product marketing at A10 Networks, examines the security challenges of the multi-cloud space and the steps to take to help secure it.
April 8, 2020 - Soon-Chai Gooi, KMWorld
The 'Interaction of Things' is Coming of Age
As the number of personal computers continues to grow, IoT devices are starting to impact the personal lives of consumers.
March 18, 2020 - Sudipta Choudury, Talk CMO
Coronavirus Impacting the Global Market — Content Marketing is a Primacy
While many trade shows, industry events and marketing seminars are being canceled due to the Coronavirus, content marketing is expected to play a significant role in digital marketing and demand generation.
January 22, 2020 - Pete Goldin, APMDigest
BPI Network Joins the BMS Blog
Tom Kaneshige, Chief Content Officer, CMO Council, BPI Network, has joined the BMS Blog on APMDigest.
January 22, 2020 - Tom Kaneshige, APMDigest
Mass Migration to Multi-Cloud
Companies are rapidly moving toward the multi-cloud dynamic as 4 out of 5 companies report they will grow their cloud usage over the next 24 months.
January 21, 2020 - Natalie Stechyson, Huffington Post
Yes, Being a Parent Really is Harder Than Ever
A 2018 stufy found that being a parent today is much harder than it was a generation ago.
January 20, 2020 - Emily Glover, Motherly
88% of Parents Say Being a Parent is Harder Than Ever
Parents are reporting that is is harder to be a parent today than it was when they were growing up.
November 27, 2019 - IT Brief
Enterprise embrace cloud but struggle to assert security and control
While enterprises worldwide are looking to multi-cloud strategies for digital transformation and IT efficiency, security challenges and lack of multi-cloud expertise continue to frustrate IT professionals.
November 27, 2019 - Data Center News
Enterprises embrace cloud but struggle to assert security & control
While enterprises worldwide are looking to multi-cloud strategies for digital transformation and IT efficiency, security challenges and lack of multi-cloud expertise continue to frustrate IT professionals.
November 26, 2019 - Michael Vizard, Security Boulevard
Survey: Multicloud Security Next Big Challenge
IT organizations are starting to appreciate the complexity of the cybersecurity challenges they now face as they employ multiple clouds.
November 22, 2019 - Journal of Cyber Policy
A10 Networks recently announced the publication of its Polynimbus application services blueprint. The blueprint provides a framework for centralizing the provisioning, management and security of applications in a multi-cloud environment. As A10 and many others have realized, corporate IT is moving many of its most critical IT assets to more than one cloud.
November 22, 2019 - John Moore, Search IT Channel
TCS, Microsoft aim for intelligent cloud, edge
Tata Consultancy Services, has launched a Microsoft Business Unit that aims to combine Azure's cloud and edge capabilities with TCS' agile and "machine-first" service delivery models.
November 21, 2019 - Help Net Security
A10 Networks’ blueprint of secure app services eases the challenges of multi-cloud app delivery
A10 Netwroks outlined its blueprint to enable enterprises and web giants to meet the demands for the security, reliability and agility of applications in a multi-cloud world.
November 21, 2019 - George Leopold, Datanami
Multi-Cloud Complexity Heightens Security Threats
The need to move data closer to users while gaining access to machine learning and other emerging technologies has prompted a broad shift by enterprises to multiple public clouds.
November 21, 2019 - IT Pro Today
Mapping the Multi-Cloud Enterprise
According to a new survey by A10 networks and the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, enterprises worldwide anticipate a continued rapid shift into multi-cloud computer.
November 21, 2019 - Subha Bhargavi, Security Middle East and Africa
Multi-Cloud data management emerges as a challenge
Majority of enterprises that opted for multi-cloud infrastructure while digitally transforming themselves are now facing a big challenge in managing the complexities of data management while ensuring data security, according to a global survey conducted by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, in partnership with A10 Networks.
November 20, 2019 - Keumars Afifi-Sabet, Cloud Pro
Surge in Multi-cloud adoption reveals wider challenges
Although most businesses have adopted a multi-cloud strategy, there are significant challenges in the way these are being implemented including security and lack of expertise.
November 20, 2019 - Edward Gately, Channel Futures
Survey: Security Top Concern for Multicloud Adoption
Most enterprises globally have adopted multicloud strategies, but they face significant challenges in managing the complexities and added requirements of these new application and data delivery infrastructures.
November 20, 2019 - Aaron Hurst, Information Age
Belief in multi-cloud usage lacking, says study
A recent survey found that just 11% of IT professionals believe their company's use of multi-cloud systems to have been successful.
November 20, 2019 - Bob Koigi, African Cloud Tech
CloudHop inks deal with Nasdaq Governance Solutions to provide clients with solution that enhances c
Cloud solutions provider in Kenya, CloudHop, has partnered with Nasdaq Governance Solutions, a business of Nasdaq Inc. to provide its clients in Eastern Africa with access to Nasdaq Boardvantage, a board portal and collaboration software solution.
November 19, 2019 - Jessica Lyons Hardcastle, SDxCentral
A10 Says Multi-Cloud Is Passé, Pushes Polynimbus
By now just about every enterprise — and every enterprise infrastructure vendor — has a multi-cloud strategy and uses services from multiple cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. So it seems a little late in the game for A10 Networks to roll out a multi-cloud blueprint, though calling it “polynimbus” does add an element of allure.
November 19, 2019 - The Cyber Wire
Daily Briefing
India continues to receive the attention of North Korean cyber operators. A phishing campaign is underway that poses as a job opportunity at Hindustan Aerospace (HAL), the Herald Publicist says. - See more at: https://thecyberwire.com/issues/issues2019/November/CyberWire_2019_11_19.html#.dpuf
July 8, 2018 - Melly Febrida, HaiBunda
Challenges of Raising Kids Now and Exhausting Dad
New study by the BPI Network discusses the significant challenges facing parents today.
July 7, 2018 - Staff, Press Reader
More Parents are Admitting that Parenting is Getting Harder than Ever
There's no doubt: it's a new parenting era than 20 or 30 years ago.
July 6, 2018 - Kate Prince, Moms.com
Study Finds Almost All Parents Think It's Harder Than Ever To Raise A Child
A study by BPI Network has found that almost all of us think that raising kids in 2018 is harder than it's ever been. Key concerns include the rising popularity of social media, being a working parent, school safety issues and the growing amount of mental health problems in children.
July 4, 2018 - Tanya Diente, Parent Herald
Nearly 90 Percent Of Parents Think It's More Difficult To Raise Kids Than Ever Before
A survey conducted by the Business Performance Innovation Network revealed that most parents these days experience parental burnout. They go through emotional distress, which affects their work and family life.
July 2, 2018 - Raz Robinson, Fatherly
Study Finds Almost All Parents Say It’s Harder Than Ever to Raise a Kid
New challenges like social media and school safety are only adding to parents' anxieties.
July 2, 2018 - Mayra Rodriguez, Mommies Today
Study Finds Almost All Parents Say It’s Harder Than Ever to Raise a Kid
Almost 90 percent of parents think that raising kids today is harder than it was for previous generations.
July 2, 2018 - Valerie Bolden-Barrett, Public Sector News
Burn notice: How two-thirds of working parents suffer from burnout
More than 60 per cent of working mothers and fathers have experienced burnout according to a survey of 2,000 people by the Business Performance Innovation Network (BPI) and PollFish.
July 2, 2018 - Joanna McClanahan, Scary Mommy
New Study Confirms Parents Are Burned The Eff Out. Here’s What To Do About It
A recent study by the BPI Network has confirmed that parents are feeling overwhelmed and burnt out.
June 29, 2018 - Emily Glover, Motherly
88% of parents say being a parent is harder than ever
There's no doubt: It's a new parenting era than 20 or 30 years ago. Now faced with questions about how to limit screen time, when to give children phones and how to protect them from cyber threats, there are simply some issues that today's parents can't get advice on from our own parents.
June 29, 2018 - Staff, Bebok
Investigation: 60% of parents experienced PBO
A new study by the BPI Network shows that 90 percent of parents think it is harder than ever to raise kids.
June 28, 2018 - Staff, Central Penn Parent
New study shows magnitude of parental burnout
Parental burnout is real, and it affects a majority of parents, a new survey shows. Topping the list of healthy parenting challenges are social media distractions, both parents working, and emotional or behavioral dysfunction in the family.
June 28, 2018 - Valerie Bolden-Barrett, HRDive
60% of working parents suffer from burnout
More than 60% of working mothers and fathers have experienced burnout, according to a survey of 2,000 people by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network and PollFish.
June 28, 2018 - Robyn Whalen, Total Wellness
What Employers Should Know About Parental Burnout in the Workplace
A new survey by the Business Performance Innovation Network (BPI Network) collected data from 2,000 working parents across North America. Nearly two-thirds of the survey respondents claim they have experienced parental burnout – with 40% of those cases being described as “significant” or worse.
May 13, 2018 - Fiorella Operto, The Medi Telegraph
Shipping Automation, the Long Journey Towards the Future
The shipping sector has generally been slower that other fields in adopting digital technologies, due to its conservative nature and the diverse and multiple operators involved.
December 6, 2017 - Ryan Westwood , Forbes
How To Be The Partner Every Company Wants To Work With
A study by the CMO Council found that 85 percent of business owners believe partnerships are essential for business success, but over half (60 percent) of those favored alliances fail.
November 8, 2017 - Staff, GlobalSecurityMagazine
BPI Network Report
A new report from the BPI Network underscores that despite significant progress, companies are early in this transition to the Cloud and face major challenges, including the need for new Cloud skills, concerns about data geo-sovereignty and corporate policy compliance, security and the challenges of implementing a flexible multi-Cloud strategy where data can be moved freely to the Cloud of choice.
November 8, 2017 - Staff, BizCommunity
New report on gaining the ability for cloud agility
The BPI Network has launched a new report entitled Gain the Ability for Cloud Agility: Assessing Enterprise Capacity to Embrace a Multi-Cloud Strategy, which examines the growing shift of enterprises to a cloud-first IT strategy.
November 8, 2017 - John Lynn, Hospital EMR & HER
Healthcare Cloud Hosting
Taming big data will take new strategies and new IT skills, neither of which are a no-brainer, according to new research by the BPI Network.
November 6, 2017 - A.R. Guess , DataVerse
Shift To Multi-Cloud Architectures Requires New Data Management Approaches
A new report from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network underscores that despite significant progress, companies are early in this transition to the Cloud and face major challenges.
November 2, 2017 - Michael Essany, Mobile Marketing Watch
Report: Shift to Multi-Cloud Architectures Requires New Data Management Approaches
A new report from the BPI Network underscores that despite significant progress, companies are early in this transition to the Cloud and face major challenges, including the need for new Cloud skills, concerns about data geo-sovereignty and corporate policy compliance, security and the challenges of implementing a flexible multi-Cloud strategy where data can be moved freely to the Cloud of choice.
November 2, 2017 - Staff, UrLinked
Report: Shift to Multi-Cloud Architectures Requires New Data Management Approaches
The BPI Network has launched a new report entitled Gain the Ability for Cloud Agility: Assessing Enterprise Capacity to Embrace a Multi-Cloud Strategy, which examines the growing shift of enterprises to a cloud-first IT strategy.
November 1, 2017 - Staff, Business Insider
Shift To Multi-Cloud Architectures Requires New Data Management Approaches To Improve Cloud Flexibil
A new report from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network underscores that despite significant progress, companies are early in this transition to the Cloud and face major challenges, including the need for new Cloud skills, concerns about data geo-sovereignty and corporate policy compliance, security and the challenges of implementing a flexible multi-Cloud strategy where data can be moved freely to the Cloud of choice.
November 1, 2017 - Hosting Journalist, HostingJournalist.com
BPI Network Study: Shift To Multi-Cloud Architectures Requires New Data Management Approaches
Enterprises are increasingly turning to the cloud as the go-to platform for managing explosive data growth, according to a report by the BPI Network.
November 1, 2017 - Staff, Sys-Con Media
Shift To Multi-Cloud Architectures Requires New Data Management Approaches
A new report from the BPI Network underscores that despite significant progress, companies are early in this transition to the Cloud and face major challenges, including the need for new Cloud skills, concerns about data geo-sovereignty and corporate policy compliance, security and the challenges of implementing a flexible multi-Cloud strategy where data can be moved freely to the Cloud of choice.
July 14, 2017 - Namrata Nadkarni, The Marine Professional
Marine industry lacks data sharing
Ineffective data sharing and poor cross-industry collaboration is resulting in costly inefficiencies for the maritime industry.
June 28, 2017 - World Maritime News Staff, World Maritime News
'Ineffective sharing' hurts martime industry
The study, entitled "Competitive Gain in the Ocean Supply Chain: Innovation That's Driving Maritime Operational Transformation," is based on a global survey of more than 200 executives and professionals from terminal operators, carriers, logistics providers, vessel owners, port authorities, shippers, consignees and other members of the global ocean supply chain.
June 28, 2017 - Business Performance Innovation Network, SupplyChainBrain
Global Shipping Industry Is Inching Toward Digitization, Study Says
The maritime industry and broader ocean supply chain are suffering from major and costly inefficiencies due to ineffective data sharing and poor cross-industry collaboration, according to a report and industry survey by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
June 27, 2017 - Retail Asia, Retail News Asia
Global maritime shipping industry at the tipping point of digitisation
The study, “Competitive Gain in the Ocean Supply Chain: Innovation That’s Driving Maritime Operational Transformation”, finds huge opportunities to improve performance and customer service through better use of technology across the ocean supply chain. The study is based on a global survey of more than 200 executives and professionals from terminal operators, carriers, logistics providers, vessel owners, port authorities, shippers, consignees and other members of the global ocean supply chain. It was developed in partnership with maritime industry technology leaders Navis and XVELA.
June 23, 2017 - Romelda Asutia, PortCalls Asia
Poor Data Sharing Takes Toll on Shipping, Study Finds
The maritime industry and broader ocean supply chain are suffering from major costly inefficiencies due to ineffective data sharing and poor cross-industry collaboration, according to a new report and industry survey released recently by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
June 21, 2017 - World Maritime News Staff, World Maritime News
Study: Maritime Industry Needs Better Data Sharing and Collaboration, But Change Is Coming
The maritime industry and broader ocean supply chain are suffering from major and costly inefficiencies due to ineffective data sharing and poor cross-industry collaboration, a new report and industry survey released by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network in coordination with Navis and XVELA, both part of Cargotec, shows.
June 21, 2017 - Patrick Burnson, Supply Chain Management Review
Study Calls for Digitization of Maritime Shipping Data
The maritime industry and broader ocean supply chain are suffering from major and costly inefficiencies due to ineffective data sharing and poor cross-industry collaboration, according to a new report and industry survey released today by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network in coordination with Navis and XVELA, both part of Cargotec.
June 21, 2017 - Patrick Burnson, Supply Chain Management Review
New Reports Says Global Ocean Cargo Industry at the “Tipping Point” of Digitization
The maritime industry and broader ocean supply chain are suffering from major and costly inefficiencies due to ineffective data sharing and poor cross-industry collaboration, according to a new report and industry survey released today by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network in coordination with Navis and XVELA, both part of Cargotec.
June 21, 2017 - CargoTec Corporation Staff, CargoTec
Global maritime shipping industry at the tipping point of digitisation: better data sharing and coll
The study, entitled "Competitive Gain in the Ocean Supply Chain: Innovation That's Driving Maritime Operational Transformation," finds huge opportunities to improve performance and customer service through better use of technology across the ocean supply chain.
June 21, 2017 - Zihni Shipping Agency staff, Zihni Shipping Agency
Study: Maritime Industry Needs Better Data Sharing and Collaboration, But Change Is Coming
The maritime industry and broader ocean supply chain are suffering from major and costly inefficiencies due to ineffective data sharing and poor cross-industry collaboration, a new report and industry survey released by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network in coordination with Navis and XVELA, both part of Cargotec, shows.
June 21, 2017 - Patrick Burnson, American Truck
New Report Says Global Ocean Cargo Industry at the “Tipping Point” of Digitization
The study is based on a global survey of more than 200 executives and professionals from terminal operators, carriers, logistics providers, vessel owner as, port authorities, shippers, consignees and other members of the global ocean supply chain. The study was developed in partnership with maritime industry technology leaders, Navis and XVELA.
June 20, 2017 - BPI Network, PR Newswire
Global Maritime Shipping Industry at the Tipping Point of Digitization
The maritime industry and broader ocean supply chain are suffering from major and costly inefficiencies due to ineffective data sharing and poor cross-industry collaboration, according to a new report and industry survey released today by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network in coordination with Navis and XVELA, both part of Cargotec.
June 20, 2017 - Ken Briodagh, IoT Evolution
BPI Network Study Says Global Maritime Shipping Industry is on Edge of Digitization Revolution
The maritime industry and broader ocean supply chain are suffering from major and costly inefficiencies due to ineffective data sharing and poor cross-industry collaboration, according to a new report and industry survey recently released by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network in coordination with Navis and XVELA, both part of Cargotec.
June 20, 2017 - Hugh R. Morley, JOC
Industry Skeptical of Pace of Logistics Tech Adoption
A lack of transparency and coordination between stakeholders hinders cargo movement in much of the supply chain, but it is unclear whether the industry is ready to embrace technology and take the necessary steps to remedy the problem, a study released Tuesday and compiled by the BPI Network, a professional networking organization, and three shipping industry technology companies suggests.
June 20, 2017 - Port Strategy Staff, Port Strategy
The Importance of Connectedness
‘The Competitive Gain in the Ocean Supply Chain’ study by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network in coordination with Navis and XVELA, focuses on the ways the industry can improve processes, efficiency and productivity, as well as grow ROI through the implementation of new technology.
June 20, 2017 - World Cargo News, iChainnel
Shipping at the Tipping Point
Navis and XVELA, both part of Cargotec, funded the study by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network. Entitled “Competitive Gain in the Ocean Supply Chain: Innovation That’s Driving Maritime Operational Transformation,” the report is based on a global survey of more than 200 executives and professionals from terminal operators, carriers, logistics providers, vessel owners, port authorities, shippers, consignees and other members of the global ocean supply chain.
June 20, 2017 - DC Velocity Staff, DC Velocity
Study Calls for Digitization of Maritime Shipping Data
The study was released today by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network in coordination with maritime-industry technology firm Navis LLC, a division of cargo and load-handling solution vendor Cargotec Corp. It was based on a global survey of more than 200 executives and professionals from terminal operators, carriers, logistics providers, vessel owners, port authorities, shippers, consignees, and other members of the global ocean supply chain.
June 18, 2017 - Gulf Marketing Review Staff, Gulf Marketing Review
Why IoT Continues to Pose Hurdles for Marketers
A new study being conducted by the CMO Council and the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network—titled “The Impact of Connectedness on Competitiveness”—which looks to reveal the different ways that enterprise connectedness among strategic audiences can enable companies to compete more effectively and produce greater business value.
June 6, 2017 - IIoT World, IIoT World
A New BPI Report: Only 1.5 % of Large Companies Have a Clear vision for IIoT
Many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), according to a new study just released by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network. The study also suggests that large-scale integrators and other channel partners will be among the biggest IIoT beneficiaries over the next several years. They will likely play a significant role in planning and implementation for many companies.
June 6, 2017 - IIoT World, IIoT World
Global Executives’ Perspective: Key Benefits of the Industrial Internet of Things Technologies
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is already changing how companies operate. In 2015, Control Engineering published an article about the benefits of IIoT, mentioning that Industrial IoT technologies used in monitoring valves in a refinery saved more than $3 million annually due to timely detection and repair of faulty valves.
June 5, 2017 - Carol Rudinschi, IIoT World
Approximately 350 000 current cybersecurity openings in US and a big demand for IIoT specialists
A a report focused on IIoT published by the BPI Network, highlights perspectives from 350 global IoT leaders, as well as detailed insights from 15 leading executives across industries most greatly impacted by the Industrial IoT revolution, including aerospace, agriculture, manufacturing, transportation and automotive, and construction.
May 22, 2017 - Dennis McCafferty, CIO Insight
What Companies Seek From the Industrial IoT
A clear majority of organizations have a growing or high interest in the industrial internet of things (IIoT), according to a recent survey from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network. But there are lingering obstacles to full-scale, successful deployments, including existing skills gaps and a lack of adequate data integration capabilities.
May 12, 2017 - Yves Grandmontagne, IT Social
The impact of IoT on transformation
Undoubtedly, the vast majority of companies are interested in the Internet of Things (IoT). 90% of them claim to make it a strategic focus for their organization, but at the same time only 9% confirm that their industry has begun to adopt IoT, according to a report by BPI Network.
May 10, 2017 - Pedro Hernandez, Datamation
Industrial IoT Market to Drift North of $900B by 2025
A recent survey from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, CMO Council, Penton's IoT Institute and The Nerdery, revealed that although 55 percent of business executives believe the IIoT is gaining traction, very few have IIoT projects that are well underway.
May 5, 2017 - Jonny Williamson, The Manufacturer
Companies Unprepared for Industrial Internet
Executives realize that the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) represents significant business growth opportunities, yet their businesses are unprepared for it, according to recent research.
May 4, 2017 - Kevin Townsend, Security Week
Large Companies Lack Clear Vision on Industrial IoT
A report from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) network indicate that 55% of all executives say IIoT is gaining adoption within their industries, including both pilots and larger-scale adoption. But only 1.5% of executives at large companies say they have a "clear vision with implementation well underway."
May 3, 2017 - Rob Spiegel, Plant Services
Study: Companies "get" IoT but struggle to implement
According to a study by Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network , many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The study results also indicate that most executives at those companies realize that the future of their business depends on it.
May 2, 2017 - Phil Goldstein, Biz Tech
Microsoft Aims to Make It Easier for Businesses to Deploy IoT Solutions
There is enthusiasm for IoT, and especially for the Industrial IoT. However, many companies are not yet ready to take advantage of IIoT, according to a survey released last month by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
May 2, 2017 - Staff, Refrigerated and Frozen Foods
Study: IoT readiness remains challenge for many supply chains
A majority of executives at large global companies expect the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to significantly impact business performance and competitiveness over the next three years, according to a new study released by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
April 27, 2017 - Enterprise Innovation editors, Enterprise Innovation
Execs bet on industrial IoT but firms lag in readiness
The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network's new study suggests many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), but most executives at those companies realize that the future of their business depends on it. Additionally, large-scale integrators and other channel partners will be among the biggest IIoT beneficiaries over the next several years.
April 25, 2017 - GEORGE V. HULME, DevOps
The Industrial Internet of Things Still More Promise Than Reality
According to a survey-based report released today by the BPI Network, there is broad consensus that the Industrial Internet of Things will provide significant value in the years ahead, but few organizations are ready to capitalize on the Industrial Internet of Things.
April 24, 2017 - Jennifer McKevitt, Supply Chain Dive
Report: Execs know the benefits of IoT, but are failing to implement the tech
Connected supply chains are the wave of the future, but widespread adoption of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technology must first take place to build visibility, according to a joint study by The CMO Council, BPI Network, Penton, Nerdery and The IoT Institute.
April 24, 2017 - Zona Movilidad Staff, Zona Movilidad
Microsoft IoT Central, new business support software
A BPI Network study has shown the lack of preparation on the part of most companies when it comes to IoT, and while 52 percent of executives say that IoT will have a major impact on their industry in three years, only 1.5 percent of those at large companies admit that they are implementing tools to get you the performance you need.
April 21, 2017 - Jeff Dorsch, Semiconductor Engineering
The Week In Review: IoT
The Business Performance Innovation Network reports that a worldwide survey of about 350 executives and interviews with innovation leaders at large enterprises shows that many companies realize the importance of Industrial Internet of Things technology in their future, yet few are prepared to implement IIoT.
April 21, 2017 - Carla Rudder, The Enterprisers Project
Riding the IoT wave requires smart risk-taking
According to a recent survey from BPI Network Addresses Organizations are not doing enough to prepare for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) and the skills gap from organizations are significant.
April 21, 2017 - Pedro Hernandez, Datamation
Executives Encountering Industrial IoT Roadblocks
The Business Performance Innovation Network recently surveyed 350 executives worldwide to examine the state of IIoT readiness in the corporate world. The results show that many businesses are still struggling to take that first step to highly automated, hyper-efficient workplaces.
April 21, 2017 - Rob Spiegel, DesignNews
Companies 'Get' IoT But Struggle to Implement
According to a study by Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Yet the study results also indicate that most executives at those companies realize that the future of their business depends on it.
April 21, 2017 - Colin Gibbs, FireceWireless
Microsoft targets businesses with new IoT development offering
Microsoft launched an offering designed to help companies tap the internet of things, but many businesses aren’t ready for the era of ubiquitous connectivity. A Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network study found that while 52 percent of executives at large companies expect the IIoT to have a “significant or major” impact on their industry within three years, only 1.5 percent of them said their companies “have a clear vision with implementation well underway.”
April 21, 2017 - Michael Alba, Engineering.com
Infographic: The Road to IIoT Transformation
The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network has released a new report on the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) detailing the results of the BPI Network’s survey on the IIoT initiatives of global business leaders in industries including aerospace, agriculture, automotive, manufacturing and construction.
April 21, 2017 - Carlos Gonzalez, Machine Design
A Tale of Two IoT Initiatives: Industry 4.0 vs. the Rest of IoT
Recent research conducted by the BPI Network and the CMO Council, in partnership with the IoT Institute and Nerdery, points out that the adoption rate of IoT is slow coming. Their recent study “The Impact of Connectedness on Competitiveness,” which surveyed several companies in the automation industry, found that while 90 percent say IoT is an important area of strategic focus, only 9 percent have begun widespread adoption.
April 20, 2017 - Stephen Lawson, ArnNet
Surveys show high hopes, deep concerns about IoT
Industrial IoT's big future is starting to become a reality, but many companies still don't think they're ready for it. Most companies don't have what they need to succeed in IoT, with many saying they'll need new technical skills, data integration and analytics capabilities, or even a rethinking of their business model.
April 20, 2017 - Stephen Lawson, TechWorld
Surveys show high hopes, deep concerns about IoT
Industrial IoT's big future is starting to become a reality, but many companies still don't think they're ready for it. Most companies don't have what they need to succeed in IoT, with many saying they'll need new technical skills, data integration and analytics capabilities, or even a rethinking of their business model.
April 20, 2017 - Stephen Lawson, ComputerWorld
Surveys show high hopes, deep concerns about IoT
Industrial IoT's big future is starting to become a reality, but many companies still don't think they're ready for it. Most companies don't have what they need to succeed in IoT, with many saying they'll need new technical skills, data integration and analytics capabilities, or even a rethinking of their business model.
April 20, 2017 - Stephen Lawson, Reseller News
Surveys show high hopes, deep concerns about IoT
Industrial IoT's big future is starting to become a reality, but many companies still don't think they're ready for it. Most companies don't have what they need to succeed in IoT, with many saying they'll need new technical skills, data integration and analytics capabilities, or even a rethinking of their business model.
April 20, 2017 - Staff, IoT News
More research argues companies are lagging behind in Industrial IoT readiness
Many organizations are still flat-footed when it comes to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) – despite their executives realizing the future of their business depends on it, according to findings from a new report by the Business Performance Innovation Network, titled ‘The Impact of Connectedness on Competitiveness.’
April 20, 2017 - Joe McKendrick, RT Insights
Executives: We’re Not Ready for Industrial IoT Yet
Lack of technical skills and analytics capabilities are seen as challenges to Industrial IoT projects although executives anticipate a range of benefits from their industrial IOT efforts.
April 20, 2017 - Sooraj Shah, Internet of Business
Only 1.5 percent of execs say their organisation has a clear IIoT vision
Fewer than two percent of executives at large organizations say their companies have a clear vision of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), with implementation well underway, according to a new study by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
April 20, 2017 - Sooraj Shah, Plant Services
Only 1.5 percent of execs say their organisation has a clear IIoT vision
Fewer than two percent of executives at large organizations say their companies have a clear vision of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), with implementation well underway, according to a new study by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
April 20, 2017 - Pratibha Nanduri, Read IT Quick
Many Companies Lagging in Industrial IoT Readiness
Many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), despite the realization by most of their executives that the future of their business depends on it. This insight has been revealed by a new study just released by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
April 20, 2017 - Staff, Data Center Journal
Many Companies Lagging in Industrial IOT (IIOT) Readiness
Many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), but most executives at those companies realize that the future of their business depends on it, according to a new study just released by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
April 19, 2017 - Stephen Lawson, IDG
Surveys show high hopes, deep concerns about IoT
Industrial IoT's big future is starting to become a reality, but many companies still don't think they're ready for it. Most companies don't have what they need to succeed in IoT, with many saying they'll need new technical skills, data integration and analytics capabilities, or even a rethinking of their business model.
April 19, 2017 - Stephen Lawson, PC World
Surveys show high hopes, deep concerns about IoT
Industrial IoT's big future is starting to become a reality, but many companies still don't think they're ready for it. Most companies don't have what they need to succeed in IoT, with many saying they'll need new technical skills, data integration and analytics capabilities, or even a rethinking of their business model.
April 19, 2017 - Stephen Lawson, CIO
Surveys show high hopes, deep concerns about IoT
Industrial IoT's big future is starting to become a reality, but many companies still don't think they're ready for it. Most companies don't have what they need to succeed in IoT, with many saying they'll need new technical skills, data integration and analytics capabilities, or even a rethinking of their business model.
April 19, 2017 - Stephen Lawson, NetworkWorld
Surveys show high hopes, deep concerns about IoT
Industrial IoT's big future is starting to become a reality, but many companies still don't think they're ready for it. Most companies don't have what they need to succeed in IoT, with many saying they'll need new technical skills, data integration and analytics capabilities, or even a rethinking of their business model.
April 19, 2017 - Stephen Lawson, IT World
Surveys show high hopes, deep concerns about IoT
Industrial IoT's big future is starting to become a reality, but many companies still don't think they're ready for it. Most companies don't have what they need to succeed in IoT, with many saying they'll need new technical skills, data integration and analytics capabilities, or even a rethinking of their business model.
April 19, 2017 - CXOtoday News Desk, CXO Today
Companies Lagging In Industrial IoT Readiness: Study
Many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), but most executives at those companies realize that the future of their business depends on it, according to a new study released by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
April 19, 2017 - Jim Fulcher, Supply Chain Expert
Industrial IoT brings new requirements, challenges
Although many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), most executives at those companies realize that the future of their business depends on it, according to a new study from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
April 19, 2017 - Staff, iCrunch Data
Why Many Companies Lag In Industrial IoT Readiness
Many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), but most executives at those companies realize that the future of their business depends on it, according to a study by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
April 19, 2017 - Staff, Smart Cities World
Who is ready for the IIoT?
A study by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network predicts smart embrace of operational connectedness will drive competitive advantage and category disruption.
April 19, 2017 - Yves Grandmontagne, IT Social
Businesses are not ready for the Internet of Industrial Objects
Most executives realize that the future of their business depends on the Industrial Internet of Things, however the majority of their companies are not ready, according to a new study by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
April 19, 2017 - Elibeth Eduardo G., CIO Latin America
IoT Industrial, among the hopes and concern of the CIO
Many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), even though most executives at those companies realize that the future of their business could depend on it, according to a new study.
April 19, 2017 - Ashley Smith, Channele2e
Survey: Global Enterprises Are Not Reay for IIoT
Most companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), even though they acknowledge the future of their business depends on it, according to a new report.
April 19, 2017 - Arthur L, ObjetConnecte
[Study] Most companies are behind in adopting IIoT solutions
Many companies are not prepared for Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT). Most executives are not aware that the future of their business depends on it, according to a recent study by BPI Network.
April 18, 2017 - Patrick Burnson, Supply Chain Management Review
IOT Readiness Remains a Challenge For Many Industrial Supply Chains
A new study predicts smart embrace of operational connectedness will drive competitive advantage and category disruption.
April 18, 2017 - Ken Briodagh, IoT Evolution
New BPI Report Says Companies Lag in IIoT Readiness
Many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), according to a new study by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, though the study indicates that most executives at those companies realize that the future of their business depends on it.
April 18, 2017 - Ken Briodagh, IoT Evolution
IoT Time Podcast
Enterprises see the value of IoT in the industrial space, however the IIoT is lagging in adoption, according to a new study by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
April 18, 2017 - Ian Barker, Beta News
Businesses are unprepared for the Industrial IoT
Many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), even though most executives at those companies realize that the future of their business could depend on it.
April 18, 2017 - Jessica Meek, ChannelNomics
IIoT readiness in question, channel can take lead
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) readiness is in question, providing a need for channel partners, according to the latest research from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
April 18, 2017 - Paul Gillin, Silicon Angle
Few firms have coherent plans for the Industrial Internet of Things, survey finds
Over half of executives at 350 industrial companies said they expect the Industrial Internet of Things to have a significant or major impact on their industry within three years, but barely 2 percent have a clear vision for adoption or large-scale implementations underway, according to a new study.
April 18, 2017 - Colin Gibbs, FierceWireless
Most businesses aren't ready for the Industrial IoT: report
Executives around the world are expecting big things from the industrial internet of things (IIoT), according to a report released today by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network but most of them aren’t ready for it.
April 18, 2017 - Sooraj Shah, Internet of Business
IoT held back by skills gap, say a third of execs
A new study from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network found that the majority of large global companies expected the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to significantly impact business performance and competitiveness over the next three years, however executives warned that making the transformation would require new skills and management thinking.
April 18, 2017 - Staff, IoT Do
Report: Companies Are Lagging In Industrial IoT Readiness
Many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), but most executives at those companies realize that the future of their business depends on it, according to a new study just released by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
April 18, 2017 - Ian Barker, Tech News
Businesses are unprepared for the Industrial IoT
Many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), even though most executives at those companies realize that the future of their business could depend on it, according to a new study from the Business Performance Innovation Network.
April 18, 2017 - Staff, World News
Many Companies Lagging In Industrial IoT Readiness
Many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), but most executives at those companies realize that the future of their business depends on it, according to a new study just released by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
April 18, 2017 - Staff, TMC Net
Many Companies Lagging In Industrial IoT Readiness
Many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), but most executives at those companies realize that the future of their business depends on it, according to a new study just released by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
April 18, 2017 - Staff, Padtronics
Businesses are unprepared for the Industrial IoT
Many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), even though most executives at those companies realize that the future of their business could depend on it, according to a new study.
April 18, 2017 - Staff, iChainnel
IOT Readiness Remains a Challenge For Many Industrial Supply Chains
A majority of executives at large global companies expect the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to significantly impact business performance and competitiveness over the next three years, according to a new study just released by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
March 16, 2017 - Bob Violino, Information Management
Security Practices Lacking Around Confidential Documents, Study Reveals
In a global survey of more than 200 managers and information workers conducted in the fourth quarter of 2016 and first quarter of 2017, 60% of respondents said they or someone they know have accidently sent out a document they shouldn’t have.
March 16, 2017 - Help Net Security
Securing Document Flow: Exploring Exposure and Risk
There is a widespread and growing need to improve security practices surrounding confidential documents in most organizations today, according to a new study by the BPI Network. In a global survey of managers and information workers, 6 out of every 10 respondents said they or someone they know have accidently sent out a document they shouldn’t have.
March 15, 2017 - Jack Craver, Benefits Pro
Employers Rattled by Document Security Concerns
Cyberattacks that have successfully targeted major corporations, government entities and health care systems have made people realize whatever security precautions they have been taking to protect sensitive information, they probably should be doing much more.
March 14, 2017 - Steve Zurier, Dark Reading
60% of Businesses Mistakenly Sent out Sensitive Documents
A new study of more than 200 business owners, CEOs, executives, and knowledge workers by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network found that while most are concerned about cyberattack-borne breaches of critical documents, the top concern by far is an employee accidentally sending out confidential information.
March 14, 2017 - PR Newswire Staff, PR Newswire
The Security Of Confidential Documents Is A Significant Problem For Most Companies
There is a widespread and growing need to improve security practices surrounding confidential documents in most organizations today, according to a new study by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network. In a global survey of managers and information workers, 6 out of every 10 respondents said they or someone they know have accidently sent out a document they shouldn't have.
March 14, 2017 - Danielle Correa, SC Media
Study Shows Ignorance of and Critical Need to Secure Important Documents
New research from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network says there is a widespread and increasing need to improve security practices surrounding confidential documents in most organisations today.
March 14, 2017 - Tech Central.ie
Security of Confidential Documents a Significant Problem
This is one incident that is highlighted in a new study by the Business Performance Innovation Network. The study entitled “Getting Control of Document Flow: Exploring Exposure and Risk In Document-Related Data Breaches,” was sponsored by Foxit Software, shows there is a growing need to improve security practices surrounding confidential documents in most organisations today. In a global survey of managers and information workers, six out of every 10 respondents said they or someone they know have accidentally sent out a document they should not have.
March 14, 2017 - SmallBusiness.co
The Security Of Confidential Documents Is A Significant Problem For Most Companies
Some 89 per cent of survey takers believe document security risks are growing in their organisation due to increased connectivity and the proliferation of mobile devices. The accidental sharing of confidential documents with a wrong party is by far their biggest concern.
March 14, 2017 - Security Magazine
Why the Security of Confidential Documents is a Problem for Enterprises
There is a widespread and growing need to improve security practices surrounding confidential documents in most organizations today, according to a new study by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network. In a global survey of managers and information workers, 6 out of every 10 respondents said they or someone they know have accidently sent out a document they shouldn't have.
March 13, 2017 - Ryan Francis, CSO
Report Finds the Security of Confidential Documents is a Significant Problem
An executive at an insurance firm sent out a document that contained confidential information, including employees’ names, email addresses, birthdates, Social Security numbers, employee ID numbers, office locations, and the details of their medical insurance plans. The problem was the email was accidentally sent to an external mailing blast list.
November 11, 2016 - Staff, IDM
Will You Be Ready For PDF 2.0?
Organisations will need to prepare now to exploit the enhanced workflow capabilities of PDF 2.0, the first major overhaul of the venerable Portable Document Format (PDF) standard, which is due out in early 2017.
November 4, 2016 - Penton, PR Newswire
Penton's IoT Emerge Offered Real-World Insights, Education and Technology
Penton's IoT Emerge, a new event that targets the opportunities and challenges posed by IoT devices, platforms and services, presented by the IoT Institute, concluded its inaugural event by offering real-world insights, education and IoT technology through a robust conference program, live demos and case studies. IoT Emerge took place this week at McCormick Place in Chicago. The event began on November 2 and concluded today with four local site visits to IoT-powered organizations.
October 26, 2016 - Andy Patrizio, NetworkWorld
The PDF format finally reaches 2.0 release
Twenty-three years after Adobe Systems introduced the Portable Document Format (PDF), the format is finally getting a significant makeover. The new release will be available some time next year. So, what can expect after all this time?
September 16, 2016 - News Tagetik, Decideo
Une Nouvelle Étude Revele Que Les Directeurs Financiers Mondiaux Recherchent Actuellement De Nouvel
La dernière étude de BPI Network, commandée par Tagetik, montre comment les directeurs financiers s'attellent à la complexité du reporting réglementaire et d'entreprise, tout en élargissant leurs missions stratégiques. Les cadres financiers visionnaires considèrent que les exigences de plus en plus grandes qui pèsent sur eux en matière de reporting réglementaire et financier constituent de véritables opportunités de transformation.
September 8, 2016 - Penton, PR Newswire
Penton's IoT Emerge Chicago Event to Showcase the Internet of Things Journey
Karen Field, Executive Content Director, IoT, Penton said, "Applying IoT to real world business practices can be difficult. We've tapped respected leaders in the industry to offer our attendees new ideas and even inspiration to leverage this information in their day-to-day work. By attending IoT Emerge, attendees will gain critical insights that will help them dramatically improve their business processes and identify new revenue opportunities."
August 16, 2016 - Dave Murray, FEI
Finance Must Evolve to Meet the Challenges of a “Perfect Storm”
Finance organizations within global corporations face mounting pressures and increasing complexity in meeting external and internal reporting, budgeting and planning requirements. Heightened scrutiny and financial regulations, more diversified business portfolios and complicated corporate structures, increased competition and market change, and greater economic uncertainty—these and other forces are creating a “perfect storm” for finance.
August 10, 2016 - Alexander Wolschann, Computerwelt
Ohne IT Steht die Digitale Transformation Still
Digitalisierung ist mehr als nur ein Trend: Unternehmen, die die voranschreitende Entwicklung ignorieren oder zu langsam agieren, geraten früher oder später gegenüber der Konkurrenz ins Hintertreffen. Die Geschäftsperformance hängt wesentlich von der Einstellung der Entscheider ab: Laut einer Studie von BPI Network glaubt nur jeder zweite Firmenlenker, dass die eigene IT-Abteilung in der Lage sei, die Digitalisierung aktiv mitzugestalten. Doch ohne zukunftsweisende Informationstechnologie und kompetentes IT-Personal lässt sich die digitale Transformation nicht bewältigen.
August 9, 2016 - Michael J. Groves, Business Weekly
Office Space: End-Users Expect More From Business Applications
Business applications are now a primary differentiator for large enterprise organizations, with user experience and custom features factoring into the overall performance of a company. However, it's not just information technology decision-makers who are looking to leverage stronger and more customized applications. Leaders across lines of business, or LOBs, want them as well, and are demanding the IT department to deliver.
August 4, 2016 - Penton, PR Newswire
Penton's IoT Emerge Event Announces Comprehensive Conference Program - Four Track Program to Focus
Penton's IoT Emerge, a new event that targets the opportunities and challenges posed by IoT devices, platforms and services, presented by the IoT Institute, today announced the comprehensive conference program will focus on four key areas: Industrial IoT, IoT Engineering, Smart Buildings & Energy and IoT Security. IoT Emerge takes place at McCormick Center in Chicago, November 2–4, 2016.
July 19, 2016 - John Siracusa, BankSocial
BANK ON IT: Episode 055 Negotiating Contracts That Stimulate Growth
In order to grow today banks and credit unions need partners and suppliers in order to grow with capabilities that are not necessarily readily available in house. Flexible contracts are key, yet, how can contracts get created with flexibility and the ability to change built in?
July 18, 2016 - Valeria Murgich , Merca 2.0
¿Cómo Enfrentan Los Mercadólogos El Crecnfrentan Los Mercadólogos El Crecimiento Tecnológico?
En la actualidad muchos CEOs se encuentran ansiosos por lograr aprovechar el poder de las plataformas digitales y la data que se genera, para mantenerse competitivos y contribuir al crecimiento futuro de la empresa. Como resultado, aquellos mercadólogos que han adoptado un enfoque dirigido por los datos y la tecnología, están siendo designados para comandar las iniciativas digitales de la organización, ayudando a crear conciencia sobre la importancia estratégica de la tecnología de marketing en el proceso.
July 13, 2016 - Isaac M. O'Bannon, CPA Practice Advisor
CFOs Find New Opportunities in Regulatory Complexities
Savvy finance executives are seeing increased regulatory and financial reporting requirements as transformation opportunities, according to a new study released today by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network and sponsored by Tagetik, a visionary leader in global performance management software solutions.
June 28, 2016 - Paul Chaney, Small Business Trends
Foxit Introduces PDF Workflow That Will Rock Team Collaboration
PDF, a file format designed to present documents in a manner independent of software applications, devices or operating systems, has not changed much since its invention in 1993. That is, until now. Foxit Software, a provider of PDF solutions, today announced the release of ConnectedPDF (cPDF), a technology that brings PDFs into the 21st Century, enabling teams to collaborate, share and track PDF documents in a secure cloud-based environment.
June 28, 2016 - Elena Opris, Softpedia
Use These Lighter Adobe Reader Alternatives to View PDFs
If you're looking for an alternative to Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF viewer, which has fewer options and lower impact on system resources, then you can check out this guide, where we're exploring three Windows applications that are free to use. Any of them can be set as your default PDF reader.
June 27, 2016 - Joyce Wells, KM World
Foxit Launches ConnectedPDF
Foxit Software, a provider of PDF solutions, has rolled out ConnectedPDF, a new technology for the creation, sharing, and tracking of PDF documents. Developed as an extension to the ISO PDF format, ConnectedPDF (cPDF) enables cloud-delivered capabilities, such as document locating and tracking, file update notifications, shared and synchronized reviews, remote file protection, and data collection.
June 27, 2016 - David Roe, CMS Wire
Foxit Connects PDFs to the Digital World
Fremont, Calif.-based Foxit Software wants to push the PDF format into the digital world with the release of its new ConnectedPDF application. Calling it more than a mere upgrade to its PDF technology, Foxit CTO Steven Li said this release will create a new "Internet of Documents" by embedding identity and intelligence into the PDF..
June 27, 2016 - Nick Peers, Beta News
Foxit Reader 8.0 Introduces ConnectedPDF Collaboration, Adds Touch Mode Support
Foxit Software has unveiled Foxit Reader 8.0, the latest version of its PDF viewer and creator for Windows PCs. The reader, renowned for its lightweight and speedy nature, introduces support for Foxit’s new online ConnectedPDF Document Management System. The new release also adds support for Touch Mode on supported models as well as Dropbox integration. Users also gain a handy new auto-save PDF option to protect against crashes or power failures.
June 24, 2016 - Anand Natampalli, HealthPayer Intelligence
Payers Seek Cost, Integration Efficiencies for Value-Based Care
Health insurance is no longer primarily a business-to-business transaction between payer organizations and employers. Today, payers must be prepared to holistically meet the needs of millions of individual consumers—from onboarding and first appointments to billing and wellness and retention.
June 20, 2016 - Ben Kepes, ComputerWorld
Foxit Takes a Standard and Destandardizes It. But Are The Benefits Worth It?
This morning Foxit Software, a company that specializes in offering solutions around different use-cases for PDF document, announced that it is aiming to extend the value that the PDF brings to organizations with the launch of ConnectedPDF (cPDF) a new technology that aims to tack accountability, collaboration and productivity onto the humble but hugely valuable PDF.
May 17, 2016 - Valeria Murgich, Mesa 20
Escuchar a Las Redes Sociales Puede Ayudar a Las Marcas a Decidir Sobre Las Acciones a Seguir
Para los profesionales de marketing dedicados a realizar seguimiento de los datos de RRDD esto no es una nueva tendencia o estrategia. De hecho varias investigaciones muestran que los mercadólogos han aprovechado los análisis de las redes sociales y los utilizan junto a los objetivos de negocio.
April 21, 2016 - Techseen Bureau , Techseen
Penton’s IoT Institute to focus on the B2B IoT world
Penton, the global information service provider company, has launched an IoT institute, a new business unit that will focus at the practicalities of the expanding B2B IoT world. The institute franchise will encompass information services, learning, research, and live events. Being an online community it will provide actionable case studies, insights, research, and e-learning on the industrial and cultural phenomenon that’s changing the shape of business and cities today. The IoT Institute’s mission is to enable cross-industry and cross-job function learning to drive business performance.
April 20, 2016 - Lisa Nirell, Huffington Post
Huffington Post
In our 3rd annual CMO Innovation Trends study, participants told us their two biggest challenges are a lack of talent to address business imperatives and effectively building a strong brand across online and offline touch points. What’s a CMO to do when resources are this scarce, yet growth is an imperative? Many turn to partnering.
March 30, 2016 - Ubiq Team, Ubiq Blog
Why Organizations Need To Modernize IT Right Now
According to a recent study, many companies are losing customers and revenue to their competitors for one major reason━failure to embrace modern IT and digital initiatives. The study conducted by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network interviewed over 200 IT professionals from around the world. The study found that there is a significant performance gap between organizations that have embraced the digital business age and those that haven’t.
March 18, 2016 - William Comcowich, Business 2 Community
How to Gain Actionable Insights from Social Media Listening Read more at http://www.business2communi
More organizations are monitoring social media for mentions about the organization, its brands, competitors and industry issues, but many remain unsure how to achieve the full benefits of social media listening.
March 18, 2016 - eMarketer
How Marketers Are Dealing with the Growth of Tech
CEOs today are anxious to harness the power of digital platforms and the data they generate to stay competitive and drive future growth. As a result, marketers that have embraced a data- and tech-driven approach are being tasked to spearhead digital initiatives that cut across the organization, helping raise the awareness and underscore the strategic importance of marketing technology in the process, as explored in a new eMarketer report “Marketing Technology: The Six Developments That Matter the Most in 2016.
March 4, 2016 - Punch
Best Approach to Business Partnership
Experts say that new ideas and innovation are essential for the survival of the twenty-first century business. Moreover, they have discovered that innovation is the number-one driver for strategic partnerships worldwide. A joint study by the Chief Marketing Officers’ Council and the Business Performance Innovation Network indicates that businesses must rely on strategic partnering to grow revenue and acquire customers. In addition, it says partnership can facilitate market expansion, development of innovative products, services and customer experiences.
March 2, 2016 - Tom Murphy, BizTech Magazine
How IT Metrics Can Drive IT Transformation
That disconnect between strategy and execution reflects the need for a new scorecard for IT, one based on specific business metrics and backed up by a firm commitment from senior management, according to a yearlong series of in-depth studies of business and IT leaders conducted by the Business Performance Improvement (BPI) Network.
February 24, 2016 - eMarketer
Social Listening Can Help Brands Derive Actionable Insights
For brand marketers, tracking social data is not a new trend or strategy. Some research shows that marketers have tapped into social analytics and use it with clear business objectives in mind, as explored in a new eMarketer report, “Social Listening for US Brands: Deriving Actionable Insights from Conversations.” A Q2 2015 Altimeter Group survey, for instance, found that nearly half of social media professionals polled worldwide used social insights to make informed business decisions about products, employees, customers and more.
February 22, 2016 - Wouter Hoeffnagel, Dutch IT Channel
Gebrek Aan Structuur Staat Flexibiliteit Van IT in de Weg
IT is een belangrijk middel om innovatie te realiseren en het verschil te maken met de concurrentie. Veel organisaties nemen hun huidige systeemlandschap onder de loep, op zoek naar meer flexibiliteit en onderscheidend vermogen. In de praktijk blijkt het door een gebrek aan structuur en ‘het niet met elkaar in de pas lopen van business en IT’ echter lastig om hier op een goede manier invulling aan te geven.
February 22, 2016 - Wouter Hoeffnagel, Executive-People
Gebrek Aan Structuur Belemmert Flexibiliteit van IT
Overkoepelende structuur ontbreekt vaak Als het gaat om het ontwikkelen van nieuwe functionaliteit blijkt er vaak een gebrek te zijn aan overkoepelende structuur. De IT-afdeling wordt gedreven door de noodzaak om zo goed en snel mogelijk in de behoefte van de business te voorzien. Het functioneert als traditionele leverancier van de business, waarbij het eigen bestaansrecht min of meer als vanzelfsprekend wordt beschouwd. Voor de inzet van IT worden doorgaans afzonderlijke investeringsvoorstellen ingediend en een goed inzicht in de totale kosten ontbreekt dikwijls. Deze bevindingen zijn in lijn met de resultaten van het onderzoek ‘Bringing Dexterity to IT Complexity: What’s Helping or Hindering IT Tech Professionals’ (2015) van het Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network: ‘Gebrek aan vaardigheden, kortetermijndenken, gebrek aan samenwerking en onvoldoende budget belemmeren de IT-transformatie.’
February 1, 2016 - André Kiehne, Online Focus
Große Chancen nutzen: Mit diesen vier Tipps werden Sie Herr Ihrer Daten!
Daten sind das Kernstück des digitalen Unternehmens. Nur mit der Erfassung, Speicherung und Verarbeitung der Daten ist es aber nicht getan. Wichtig ist auch, was man mit ihnen anfängt. Die Daten, auf die man heute zugreifen kann, können die Art, wie ein Unternehmen arbeitet, von Grund auf ändern und zum Erreichen der firmen-internen Ziele beitragen.
February 1, 2016 - eir Business NI
Challenges and Priorities for the CIO in Northern Ireland
At our most recent CIO Club in Belfast, there was little disagreement on the challenges that 2016 will bring for Northern Ireland’s CIOs and where their role is headed. No matter the industry, CIOs share the same concerns and challenges, but they are at different points in their journey on finding the best way to tackle them. Here we list the 5 areas of concern raised and discuss how they can be tackled.
February 1, 2016 - Bernhard Lück and Andreas Donner, IP Insider
Entscheider und IT: Kooperation Mangelhaft
Viele Entscheider entziehen sich bei der Digitalen Transformation ihrer Verantwortung. Wie ein Bericht des BPI-Networks und des IT-Dienstleisters Dimension Data zeigt, ist fast die Hälfte der IT-Fachkräfte mit der Vernetzung von Führungsebene und IT-Abteilung unzufrieden.
February 1, 2016 - Pascal Nagel, automotiveIT
Kooperation mit Chefetage oft Mangelhaft
Im Zuge der Digitalisierung wird die IT-Abteilung im Unternehmen strategisch immer wichtiger. Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Führungsebene und IT-Fachkräften muss sich allerdings offenbar noch finden: Laut einem aktuellen Bericht des Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network und des IT-Dienstleisters Dimension Data bemängeln 45 Prozent der befragten IT-Mitarbeiter die unzureichende Vernetzung mit der Entscheiderebene.
January 31, 2016 - Inovativnost
Како Вашиот бизнис да извлече бенефит од денешните ком
Промените кои денес ги гледаме на дневна основа немаат многу поголемо влијание врз денешните бизнис-лидери отколку врз ИТ-тимовите и експертите за компјутерска технологија пред некое време. Иновациите сега се случуваат со уште позабрзано темпо и станува невозможно да се предвиди иднината.
January 29, 2016 - Samuel Greengard, Baseline Mag
Why Are Companies' IT Transformations Lagging?
The challenges of migrating to a digital business and IT framework are daunting. Today's fast-moving environment requires new information technology systems, different thinking and entirely new skills.
January 27, 2016 - Kai-Werner Fajga, TeleTalk
Studie: Mangelhafte Zusammenarbeit zwischen Entscheidungsebene und IT
Kooperation von Business-Unit und IT sei in vielen Unternehmen "noch deutlich ausbaufähig". Die Digitale Transformation halte heute fast sämtliche Unternehmensbereiche fest im Griff und Digitalisierung sei längst kein alleiniges Projekt der IT mehr, so IT-Dienstleister Dimension Data in seiner neusten Studie.
January 25, 2016 - manageIT
Optimierungsfähige Zusammenarbeit zwischen Entscheidungsebene und IT
Die Kooperation von Business-Unit und IT ist in vielen Unternehmen noch deutlich ausbaufähig. Dies zeigt der Bericht »IT-Komplexität einfach gemacht: Werkzeuge und Hindernisse für IT-Fachleute« der Initiative »Transform to Better Perform« des Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network [1]. Der »Digital Leader Award« zeichnet Führungspersönlichkeiten aus, die dieses Silodenken überwinden und so die Digitale Transformation in ihrem Unternehmen entschieden vorantreiben.
January 18, 2016 - Giorgio Heiman, IT News Africa
The Rise of African Start-Ups Is A Business Opportunity, Not A Threat
We are in the middle of a tech start-up frenzy, with research suggesting that South Africa alone is home to more than 5000 tech start-ups. Rather than just seeing this rise of new potential competitors as a threat, enterprises should take the opportunity to transform themselves, work and learn together – and bottle some of that entrepreneurial spirit.
January 11, 2016 - Edwin de Brave, blogit
Drie Redenen Waarom Transformatie Vaak Mislukt
Transformeren om beter te presteren, het is een mantra binnen de IT en een vereiste om de concurrentie aan te kunnen. Dit besef dringt echter maar langzaam door. Onlangs publiceerde het Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network de resultaten van een wereldwijd onderzoek onder IT’ers. Hieruit blijkt dat IT-professionals hun bedrijf een onvoldoende of bijna onvoldoende geven als het gaat om het implementeren van transformationele technologieën en het stimuleren van IT-innovatie.
January 11, 2016 - Network Communications News Staff, Network Communications News
New Study Identifies Multiple Factors Impeding Progress on IT Transformation
Most frontline IT professionals around the world give their companies failing or near failing grades on their ability to implement transformational technologies and drive IT innovation to gain competitive advantage.
January 11, 2016 - Alter Market
Les Informaticiens Jugent Insuffisante La Capacité Des Entreprises à Transformer Leurs Infrastruct
La plupart des informaticiens de première ligne à travers le monde ne donnent pas la moyenne à leur entreprise lorsqu’il s’agit d’évaluer sa capacité à mettre en œuvre des technologies transformationnelles et à impulser l’innovation informatique pour acquérir un avantage concurrentiel.
January 6, 2016 - IT Manager Daily
Bringing Dexterity to IT Complexity: What’s Helping or Hindering IT Tech Professionals
The findings of this report represent the insights and perspectives from over 200 Frontline IT professionals across a wide plane of disciplines in different parts of the world.
December 28, 2015 - Sarah K. White, Computer World Hong Kong
Companies Failing to Modernize IT: Study
A recent study of frontline IT leaders conducted by BPI Network found that while IT modernization is crucial for a successful business, most companies don’t measure up. The results show businesses are lagging behind in five crucial aspects to creating an agile and modern IT department and business.
December 24, 2015 - Sarah K. White, CIO
Study Finds Companies Are Failing to Modernize IT
A recent study of frontline IT leaders conducted by BPI Network found that while IT modernization is crucial for a successful business, most companies don’t measure up. The results show businesses are lagging behind in five crucial aspects to creating an agile and modern IT department and business.
December 15, 2015 - Elisah Van Den Heuvel, Kmo Insider
Bedrijven Beschikken niet Over de Nodige Mensen, Processen en Investeringen om Innovatie Waar te Mak
Uit een studie van het BPI Network blijkt dat ruim 80 procent van alle IT-medewerkers in de eerste lijn aangeeft meer dan de helft van de tijd bezig te zijn met probleemoplossing en met het onderhoud van bestaande systemen, in plaats van met innovatie. En 17 procent van hen is zelfs 90 procent van de tijd bezig met routinematige onderhoudstaken.
December 15, 2015 - George V. Hulme, DevOps
Companies Failing to Innovate or Evolve Legacy IT Infrastructure
We’ve been writing a lot about what it takes for IT organizations to transform their business-technology systems to drive agility and innovation. Interestingly, according to a recent study conducted by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, most IT professionals think their businesses are failing, or pretty close to failing, when it comes to driving forward with IT transformational efforts.
December 14, 2015 - Claire Leroy, CXP
Les Services IT Sont-ils Armés Pour Soutenir la Transformation Numérique?
Les équipes techniques des services informatiques sont-elles en mesure aujourd'hui de soutenir la transformation numérique de leur entreprise? La question mérite d'être posée. On a beaucoup parlé des stratégies numériques, de l'orientation client, des nouvelles technologies du SMAC, en laissant un peu de côté les informaticiens, comme s'ils n'étaient pas concernés.
December 11, 2015 - Altermarket Staff, Altermarket
Vu par les Informaticiens, la Transformation Numérique est en Peine
Pénuries de compétences, stratégies à court terme, absence de collaboration et insuffisance des financements entravent les progrès de la transformation numérique selon une nouvelle étude de BPI Network.
December 10, 2015 - Tristan Karache, iTPro
BPI Network: la Transformation Digitale Décryptée par les Informaticiens
Selon une étude de BPI Network et Data Dimension, les équipes informatiques jugent insuffisants les efforts de leurs entreprises pour s’engager dans la transformation numérique.
December 8, 2015 - The Content Guy Staff, The Content Guy
Schlechte Noten für die IT-Transformation in Unternehmen - via BIT
Interessante Zahlen zu den Erwartungshaltungen deutscher Unternehmen bezüglich der eigenen Digitalisierung in den nächsten Jahren...
December 7, 2015 - Marcus, Cloud Computing Intelligence
Why IT Transformation Just Isn’t Happening Fast Enough
The latest survey by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network shows businesses aren't adopting digital transformation initiatives quickly enough. With the majority of businesses only just taking the most basic steps on the road to IT transformation, because of major failings in the planning, resource allocation, staffing, collaboration and financial commitments needed to fulfil that vision.
December 7, 2015 - Dimension Data, ICT Media
IT-Werknemers Geven Bedrijf Onvoldoende Voor Het Transformeren Van Verouderde IT-Infrastructur
Gebrek aan vaardigheden, kortetermijndenken, gebrek aan samenwerking en onvoldoende budget belemmeren de IT-transformatie volgens nieuw onderzoek
December 7, 2015 - Versandhausberater Staff, Versandhausberater
Studie: IT-Transformation in Unternehmen Liegt oft Noch Brach
Die Digitale Transformation sichert Unternehmen einen entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorteil, weshalb Manager ihr höchste Priorität einräumen. Doch Wunsch und Wirklichkeit in den Unternehmen klaffen vielerorts weit auseinander, wie eine internationale Umfrage unter IT-Fachkräften zeigt. Nur wenige Unternehmen schicken sich an, als Digital Leader den globalen Wettbewerb für sich zu entscheiden – dem Gros der Unternehmen droht dagegen der Absturz. Denn die IT-Fachkräfte müssen sich mit ganz anderen Dingen beschäftigen als mit digitaler Transformation.
December 4, 2015 - Carla Rudder, The Enterprisers Project
3 Types of CIO, the Challenges They Face, and More News for IT Pros
Digital transformation has been a major strategic focus for organizations over the last year, and that's not expected to change in 2016. In fact, research from IDC shows that “two-thirds of CEOs plan to focus on digital transformation strategies for 2016 and that CIOs will be major players in leading every department through this shift.” Digital transformation has reached near buzzword status as business leaders across all industries cite it as their solution for nearly every challenge they are facing – from overcoming aging legacy systems, to moving faster to embrace new technologies, to innovating to stay ahead of digital trends.
December 4, 2015 - Market Research Bulletin Staff, Market Research Bulletin
Bringing Dexterity to IT Complexity What’s Helping or Hindering IT Tech Professionals
Frontline IT workers around the globe say they’re struggling to implement transformational technologies at their companies due to lack of long-term planning, insufficient funding and a paucity of communication and collaboration with their colleagues on the business side.
December 4, 2015 - Bill Boyle, Datacenter Dynamics
IT Workers 'Fail' Companies' Attempts to Transform Their Aging IT Systems
According to a new report from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, an industry grouping which has launched a campaign to promote change and development in data centers, many of those running networks, data centers and back-end systems say lack of planning, deficiencies in key skills, insufficient funding, and a paucity of communications and collaboration with the business side make renovation of IT infrastructure a challenge for enterprises of all sizes.
December 4, 2015 - Digital4 Staff, Digital4
Innovazione: Professionisti IT Poco Convinti Del Reale Impegno Delle Proprie Aziende
Lo mette in luce un'indagine condotta da BPI Network: tra gli ostacoli la mancanza di pianificazione e la collaborazione ridotta tra le divisioni aziendali.
December 4, 2015 - Digitale Transformation Staff, Digitale Transformation
Digitalisierung: IT Sucht Ihre Digital Leader
Die voranschreitende Digitalisierung gebietet es den Unternehmen als Digital Leader aufzutreten. Jedoch beklagen viele IT- Fachkräfte die mangelhafte IT-Transformation in ihren Unternehmen. 70 Prozent der Befragten geben an, dass sie die IT-Transformation noch nicht begonnen haben. So lautet das Ergebnis einer Studie.
December 4, 2015 - Catarina Gomes, B!Tmagazine
Falta Planeamento na Transformação Digital do Negócio
De acordo com uma nova pesquisa, muitas das redes, Data Centers e sistemas backend usados atualmente possuem falta de planeamento, deficiências em funções-chave, financiamento insuficiente e não estão em sintonia com o negócio, o que faz com que a renovação das infraestruturas de TI seja um grande desafio para empresas de todos as dimensões.
December 4, 2015 - Minda Zetlin, CIO Sweden
Ut Med det Gamla Och in Med det Nya. Att Rensa ut Föråldrade IT-System är en Överlevnadsfråga
Ökade underhållskostnader driver på moderniseringen av it-miljöer. Men ännu starkare drivkraft är rädslan att bli omsprungen av disruptiva konkurrenter.
December 3, 2015 - Tom Murphy, IT Pro
What’s Holding up the Transformation?
One cannot attend an enterprise technology expo without hearing endless talk about “transformation.” With almost cultish devotion, executives around the world speak in excited tones of the new era of technology that will yield faster application development, improvements in customer service, higher productivity levels and, of course, a fatter profit for shareholders.
December 3, 2015 - Shannon Greenhalgh, Misco
Is Poor Communication Hampering IT Transformation in Your Company?
Companies across the world are failing to take advantage of transformational technologies and drive IT innovation due to a lack of planning and key skills, insufficient funding, and poor communication with the business side.
December 3, 2015 - Francesco Destri, Computerworld Italia
I Professionisti IT e gli Approcci Aziendali alla Trasformazione IT
Una nuova ricerca di BPI Network evidenzia come la carenza di competenze e i budget limitati siano un ostacolo per la trasformazione IT.
December 3, 2015 - infoDSI Staff, infoDSI
Les Équipes Informatiques Déplorent un Manque de Reconnaissance Flagrant
Selon une étude de BPI Network, parrainée par Dimension Data, de nombreux responsables réseaux, de datacenters et de systèmes back-end estiment que le manque de planification, des déficiences dans les compétences clés, une insuffisance des financements et un défaut de communication et de collaboration avec les équipes opérationnelles empêchent la rénovation et la modernisation de l’infrastructure informatique des entreprises.
December 3, 2015 - Content Manager Staff, Content Manager
Schlechte Noten für die IT-Transformation in Unternehmen
Die Digitale Transformation sichert Unternehmen einen entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorteil, weshalb Manager ihr höchste Priorität einräumen. Doch Wunsch und Wirklichkeit in den Unternehmen klaffen vielerorts weit auseinander, wie eine internationale Umfrage unter IT-Fachkräften zeigt. Nur wenige Unternehmen schicken sich an, als Digital Leader den globalen Wettbewerb für sich zu entscheiden – dem Gros der Unternehmen droht dagegen der Absturz.
December 3, 2015 - Agglotv Staff, Agglotv
Les Informaticiens Jugent Insuffisante la Capacité des Entreprises à Transformer Leurs Infrastruct
Pénuries de compétences, stratégies à court terme, absence de collaboration et insuffisance des financements entravent les progrès de la transformation numérique selon une nouvelle étude de BPI Network
December 3, 2015 - Bad Homburg, Presse Box
Studie: Schlechte Noten für die IT-Transformation in Unternehmen
Weltweit gibt die Mehrzahl der IT-Fachkräfte ihren Arbeitgebern nur mäßige bis schlechte Noten, wenn es um deren Fähigkeit zur Implementierung von Transformationstechnologien und Umsetzung von Innovationen in der IT geht: schlechte Planung, Defizite bei Kernqualifikationen, Geldmangel sowie ungenügende Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit hindern die gebotene Erneuerung der IT-Infrastruktur.
December 2, 2015 - Data Quality Council Staff, Data Quality Council
Bringing Dexterity to IT Complexity - What’s Helping or Hindering Tech Professionals
Frontline IT workers around the globe say they’re struggling to implement transformational technologies at their companies due to lack of long-term planning, insufficient funding and a paucity of communication and collaboration with their colleagues on the business side.
December 2, 2015 - Managers Online Staff, Managers Online
IT-Werknemers Geven Onvoldoende Voor Transformeren Verouderde IT-Infrastructuren
De meeste eerstelijns IT-professionals over de gehele wereld geven hun bedrijf een onvoldoende of bijna onvoldoende als het gaat om het implementeren van transformationele technologieën en het stimuleren van IT-innovatie om concurrentievoordeel te behalen.
December 2, 2015 - Impresa City Staff, Impresa City
Aziende in Difficoltà nel Percorso di Trasformazione
Le organizzazioni IT sono in grado di trasformare l'esistente introducendo nuove logiche di business allineate alle nuove opportunità di business? In base allo studio realizzato BPI Network in partnership con Dimension Data il rinnovamento all'interno di ogni singola azienda è ostacolato e frenato da tutta una molteplicità di fattori.
December 2, 2015 - Marqit Staff, Marqit
Bedrijf Beperkt IT'er Bij Innovatie
IT’ers willen graag nieuwe technologieën implementeren, maar worden vaak tegengehouden door het bedrijf. Ze ervaren een gebrek aan middelen, capaciteit en kennis. Zo blijkt uit het onderzoeksrapport van het Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
December 2, 2015 - Patricia Fonseca, Business Leak
Profissionais da área de ti Dão Nota Negativa às Empresas que Impedem a Transformação das Infra
A maioria dos profissionais de TI ao serviço das mais prestigiadas empresas de todo o mundo dão notas negativas ou praticamente negativas às suas empresas na sua capacidade para implementar tecnologias de transformação e alavancar inovação em TI para ganhar vantagem competitiva face a empresas concorrentes.
December 2, 2015 - NCC Weekly News Staff, NCC Weekly News
IT Transformation Lacking Momentum, BPI Study Reveals
From IT Pro Businesses looking to modernise their businesses using IT transformation are failing because companies aren't able to find skilled workers, think too much in the short term, don't collaborate or spend enough money, a BPI Network study has revealed.
December 2, 2015 - Domenico Megali, Business International Magazine
Scarsa Pianificazione, Carenza Competenze e Budget Limitati Ostacolo l’innovazione Delle Aziende
Come mai la maggior parte dei professionisti It assegnano un voto scarso alle proprie aziende in merito alla capacità di implementare tecnologie che guidano l’innovazione It per rimanere competitive?
December 1, 2015 - Andrea Stroud, APQC
Why Companies are Failing at Digital Transformation
An important new study, just released by the Business Performance Innovation Network, highlights major roadblocks standing in the way of most companies as they seek to adapt to a new generation of technologies and digital business opportunities.
December 1, 2015 - Bonnie Gardiner, CIO
IT Workers Say Their Companies are Failing to Innovate
IT workers claim their companies are 'failing' or 'near failing' to innovate and adopt new technologies that transform their businesses, according to a new study.
December 1, 2015 - Clare Hopping, IT Pro
IT Transformation Lacking Momentum, BPI Study Reveals
Businesses looking to modernise their businesses using IT transformation are failing because companies aren't able to find skilled workers, think too much in the short-term, don't collaborate or spend enough money, a BPI Network study has revealed.
December 1, 2015 - Joe McKendrick, ZDNet
Corporate to IT: Transform Us, But Don't Spend Too Much Money Doing It
These days, it seems as if every organization on the planet is anxious to undergo a "digital transformation" -- to move from their creaky, manual, disconnected operations to a sleek, frictionless online entities. However, nobody seems to want to pay for it, or even lend a whole lot of support to the people charged with making digital things happen.
December 1, 2015 - Gary Hilson, IT World Canada
IT Workers Lack Faith About Digital Transformation: Survey
There’s lots of talk about digital transformation within organization to respond to customer demand and leverage new technologies such as cloud computing, but is that transformation actually happening?
December 1, 2015 - Sci24H Staff, Sci24H
IT Transformation Lacking Momentum, BPI Study Reveals
Businesses looking to modernise their businesses using IT transformation are failing because companies aren't able to find skilled workers, think too much in the short-term, don't collaborate or spend enough money, a BPI Network study has revealed.
December 1, 2015 - Persberichten Staff, Persberichten
Eerstelijns IT-Werknemers Geven Eigen Bedrijf Onvoldoende Voor het Tansformeren van Verouderde IT-i
Gebrek aan vaardigheden, kortetermijndenken, gebrek aan samenwerking en onvoldoende budget belemmeren de IT-transformatie volgens nieuw onderzoek
December 1, 2015 - Bob Violino, Information Management
Most IT Pros Give Poor Grades to Innovation Efforts
Most IT professionals around the world give their companies failing or near failing grades on their ability to implement transformational technologies and drive IT innovation to gain competitive advantage, according to a new report by Business Performance Innovation Network (BPI Network), a thought leadership and professional networking organization for those involved in IT transformation and business re-engineering.
December 1, 2015 - Clayton Hamshar, Next Generation Communications
IT Departments Need More Resources, Better Communication in Order to Innovate
A joint survey recently conducted by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network and Dimension Data (News - Alert) explores the readiness of frontline IT professionals to drive IT transformation and innovation in their respective organizations. The study, entitled “Bringing Dexterity to IT Complexity: What’s Helping or Hindering IT Tech Professionals,” is the third installment of a comprehensive research initiative covering this issue, called “Transform to Better Perform.”
December 1, 2015 - Dimension Data, iSpam
Eerstelijns IT-Werknemers Geven Eigen Bedrijf Onvoldoende Voor het Transformeren van Verouderde IT-i
Gebrek aan vaardigheden, kortetermijndenken, gebrek aan samenwerking en onvoldoende budget belemmeren de IT-transformatie volgens nieuw onderzoek
December 1, 2015 - Nathan Eddy, eWeek
Most IT Workers Give Failing Grade to Businesses
Almost 45 percent of IT pros polled said they feel improved collaboration between IT groups and business leaders is critically needed.
November 30, 2015 - Informaticien Staff, Informaticien
La Plupart des Entreprises ne Disposent pas des Ressources Humaines Pour Innover
Il ressort d’une étude de BPI Network, publié aujourd’hui, que plus de 80 pourcent de tous les collaborateurs IT de première ligne indiquent consacrer plus de la moitié de leur temps à la résolution de problèmes et à la maintenance des systèmes existants, plutôt qu’à l’innovation. 17 pourcent d’entre eux consacrent même 90 pourcent de leur temps à des tâches de maintenance routinières.
November 17, 2015 - Kinetic Data Blog Staff, Kinetic Data
How Service Catalogs Help Enterprise IT Innovation
Over the past few decades, organizations have applied technology primarily to reduce costs. Faster computers, instantaneous global communications, and specialized software for every business function have dramatically improved productivity and driven costs out of the value chain.
November 9, 2015 - Jannis Moutafis, ComputerWoche
Eine neue Rolle für die IT
In Unternehmen, die in Sachen digitale Transformation schon etwas weiter sind, ist die IT anders aufgestellt, arbeitet enger mit den Fachbereichen zusammen und übernimmt eine federführende Rolle. Das Gros der Industrie hat diese Umstellungsphase noch vor sich.
October 14, 2015 - Powerlinx Staff, Powerlinx
Building Strategic Alliances in the US
In a study by the CMO Council and BPI Network, 85 percent of executives said that strategic alliances and partnerships were vital to their growth plans. While the vast majority of businesses value strategic partnerships, many are unaware of how to choose, approach and work with prospective business partners.
October 8, 2015 - 培训杂志工作人员, 培训杂志
October 5, 2015 - Per Ek, ReadWrite
Why Small Cloud Companies Have An Advantage Right Now
Innovation matters in all aspects of technology, but that’s especially true for rapidly growing sectors like the cloud services. Here’s how smaller players may be better positioned to push this industry forward.
October 3, 2015 - Saas Magazin Staff, Saas Magazin
Skype for Business im Aufwind
Skepsis bei Linux, Bereitschaft zur Cloud: Umfrage von Sikom beleuchtet Technologietrends im Contact Center Interesse und Verbreitung von Cloud-basierter Software in Contact Centern.
October 2, 2015 - Andrew Davidson, Hybrid Hive
Global Execs Waking up to Hybrid IT
It found execs expect to see greater progress in deploying a range of technologies to increase business agility – with Hybrid IT cited as a key driver of this.
September 30, 2015 - Saas Magazin Staff, Saas Magazin
IT der Nächsten Generation
Studie belegt, dass gut sechs von zehn Unternehmen die Bemühungen ihrer IT-Abteilung bei der Implementierung neuer Technologien als nicht ausreichend beurteilen Fehlende Unterstützung für Investitionen und Unwissenheit über den tatsächlichen Bedarf stellen die größten Hindernisse beim Umstieg.
September 22, 2015 - The Nation Staff, The Nation
Innovation Dinner
Senior tech execs will on September 16, convene at the Wheatbaker Hotel in Lagos, for Innovation Dinner. Theme is Transform to Better Perform: Information Technology’s Role in Driving Competitive Advantage, Customer Value and Business Growth in an Uncertain Economic Environment.
September 17, 2015 - George V. Hulme, MediaOps
The IT Mandate: Be a Catalyst of Business Innovation
On the heels of their recent study, Accelerating Business Transformation Through IT Innovation: Getting the Business Leader Take on the IT Change Mandate, we had a conversation with Dave Murray, head of thought leadership at the BPI Network. The study found that IT organizations increasingly want to use technology to drive innovation and business growth, and a big part of that is the ongoing re-tooling their data centers with the public and on-premises and managed cloud services.
September 16, 2015 - Minda Zetlin, The Enterprisers Project
Are IT Teams up to Snuff When it Comes to CIO Expectations?
Are C-suite executives satisfied with the pace of technological innovations in their businesses? Not so much, according to a recent survey of 250 business leaders conducted by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, and sponsored by Dimention Data. There's a message in these results, and CIOs had better pay attention, warns Donovan Neale-May executive director of BPI Network. In an interview with The Enterprisers Project, he explains why.
September 14, 2015 - Darryl Linington, IT News Africa
Interview: How Ready is the Nigerian Market for Cloud?
Join Dimension Data at the next Innovation Dinner, which will be held at the Wheatbaker Hotel in Lagos, Nigeria on September 2015 – with the theme Transform to Better Perform: Information Technology’s role in driving competitive advantage, customer value and business growth in an uncertain economic environment.
August 27, 2015 - ImpresaCity Staff, ImpresaCity
Le Line of Business più Coinvolte Nella Tecnologia
Il recente studio realizzato da Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, sponsorizzato da Dimension Data, “Accelerating Business Transformation Through IT Innovation: Getting the Business Leader Take on the IT Change Mandate", evidenzia come i business leader stiano ponendo una nuova sfida alle organizzazioni IT:porre come obiettivo primario dell’adozione tecnologica l’innovazione e la crescita.
August 21, 2015 - Jessica Cencetti, ITnation
View Transformative Technology as Trigger for Growth
Global business leaders expect their IT organizations to realize measurable business and competitive advantages from technology transformation reveals a new study from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network sponsored by Dimension Data.
August 21, 2015 - Dennis McCafferty, Baseline
How IT Must Improve to Meet Business Expectations
Under pressure to gain a competitive advantage through disruptive IT, company leaders are expecting more input—and innovation—from their IT departments, according to a recent survey from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network and Dimension Data.
August 20, 2015 - Staff, eMarketer
Strict Approval Processes Slow Down Tech Adoption
Technology is more important than ever. But to increase spending, marketers and tech professionals must go through a rigorous approval process, and they better be able to prove the value of the buy if they want the final answer to be yes—something easier said than done.
August 20, 2015 - Staff, Managers Online
IT-afdelingen Voelen Druk om te Innoveren
Leiders van internationale bedrijven verwachten van hun IT-organisaties dat zij meetbare zakelijke en concurrerende voordelen halen uit technologietransformatie.
August 19, 2015 - Staff, Emerce
IT-afdelingen voelen druk om te innoveren nu zakelijke leiders transformerende technologie zien als
Barneveld, 19 augustus 2015 – Leiders van internationale bedrijven verwachten van hun IT-organisaties dat zij meetbare zakelijke en concurrerende voordelen halen uit technologietransformatie. Dat onthult een nieuw onderzoek van het Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, een internationale lobbygroep die pleit voor zakelijke verandering en verbetering.
August 19, 2015 - Staff, IT Exectuive
IT voelt druk van directie om te innoveren
De top bij internationale bedrijven verwacht van IT-organisaties dat zij meetbare zakelijke en concurrerende voordelen halen uit technologische transformatie. Onderzoek van het Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network – een netwerkorganisatie voor verandermanagement en technologische transformatie – duidt hierop.
August 19, 2015 - Staff, Persberichten
IT-afdelingen voelen druk om te innoveren nu zakelijke leiders transformerende technologie zien als
Barneveld, 19 augustus 2015 – Leiders van internationale bedrijven verwachten van hun IT-organisaties dat zij meetbare zakelijke en concurrerende voordelen halen uit technologietransformatie. Dat onthult een nieuw onderzoek van het Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, een internationale lobbygroep die pleit voor zakelijke verandering en verbetering.
August 18, 2015 - Staff, ZDNet Japan
August 17, 2015 - Samuel Greengard, CIO Insight
IT Innovation Pressures Grow for CIOs
These days, virtually no corner of the enterprise remains untouched by IT. From customer-facing Websites and brick-and-mortar storefronts to mobile apps and clouds, IT—and how well an organization puts it to work—separates the leaders from the laggards. A new report from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, Accelerating Business Transformation through IT Innovation, offers insights into this rapidly evolving space.
August 17, 2015 - Staff, Facility Exectutive
Business Leaders View Transformative Technology As Trigger For Growth
Business decision makers across a range of industry sectors are dedicating more time and attention to understanding the strategic implications of disruptive technologies. They also want their companies to do a better job of embracing modern technologies and new channels of customer engagement and digital experience, according to the latest research from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, an international executive change advocacy group. The study is part of the BPI Network’s “Transform to Better Perform” knowledge transfer initiative, which is aimed at rating the level of innovation in IT organizations.
August 17, 2015 - Shubhi Tandon, Digital Market Asia
Biz Leaders View Technology as Trigger for Growth
Business leaders are spending more time and attention to understand the importance of disruptive technologies globally. They expect their IT organisations to realise measurable and competitive advantage from technology transformation. This was highlighted in a study by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
August 17, 2015 - Staff, TWT
Umfrage: Technologie als Wachstumsfaktor in Unternehmen
Führungskräfte aus der Wirtschaft sind überzeugt, dass moderne Technologie ein entscheidender Faktor für das Wachstum in Unternehmen ist. Die neuste Umfrage des Business Performance Innovation Networks zu diesem Thema zeigt, dass die Digitalisierung wichtige Vorteile und messbare Erfolge bringt. Wir fassen die Inhalte für Sie kurz zusammen.
August 12, 2015 - Bob Violino, Information Management
Report: Technology Transformation Drives Businesses Forward
Global business leaders expect their IT organizations to realize measurable business and competitive advantages from technology transformation, according to a study from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, an international executive change advocacy group.
August 12, 2015 - Michael Kroker, Kroker's Look @ IT
2,4 Milliarden Menschen nutzen Cloud-Dienste; bis 2017 drei Viertel aller Daten in der Wolke
Cloud Computing ist als eines der wichtigsten Wachstumsthemen der IT seit Jahren in aller Munde. Dabei wird oftmals noch übersehen, wie verbreitet solche Internet-Dienste aus der Datenwolke längst sind – und zwar für Endnutzer wie Unternehmen gleichermaßen.
August 12, 2015 - Tom Murphy, The Data Center Journal
Business Leaders Want a New Scorecard for the IT Group
The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network reported that senior business managers are so utterly disappointed by the lack of innovation coming from their IT groups that many now want to see the groups graded by the same sort of business metrics they must follow. That idea is rapidly gaining traction with CIOs as data centers move to hybrid cloud models, BPI found in a series of post-survey interviews.
August 12, 2015 - James Henderson, Computerworld New Zealand
Is Pressure Increasing on IT Organisations to Innovate?
Business leaders across New Zealand, and the world, expect their IT organisations to realise measurable business and competitive advantages from technology transformation, reveals a new study from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, an international executive change advocacy group.
August 11, 2015 - Staff, IT News Africa
Global Business Leaders Expect Their IT Organisations to Do More
Global business leaders expect their IT organisations to realise measurable business and competitive advantages from technology transformation reveals a new study from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI)Network, an international executive change advocacy group.
August 11, 2015 - Staff, BiztechAfrica
Survey: Business Leaders see Transformative Technology as Trigger for Growth
Global business leaders expect their IT organisations to realise measurable business and competitive advantages from technology transformation reveals a new study from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, an international executive change advocacy group.
August 11, 2015 - Andy Szal, IMPO
Survey: Executives Hope To See Greater Progress From IT Organizations
The analysis by networking group the Business Performance Innovation Network found that although nearly 70 percent of survey respondents viewed technology as increasingly important, 52 percent rated their IT innovation as poor or narrowly progressing.
August 11, 2015 - Jeff Hawn, RCR Wireless News
IT is a Key Competency for Any Business
WASHINGTON – The Business Performance Innovation Network released a report on the growing impact of IT in business. The report is based on a survey of business leaders from across the globe and makes a resounding statement that IT has never been more important to business no matter the industry, and technology is evolving so fast business leaders are still trying to find the most effective means to utilize it.
August 11, 2015 - Staff, IT-Online
Business Leaders Want to See Results from IT
Global business leaders expect their IT organisations to realise measurable business and competitive advantages from technology transformation.
August 11, 2015 - Clare Hopping, IT Pro
Innovation demands putting pressure on IT departments
The Business Performance Innovation (PBI) Network carried out a survey that revealed the pressure is coming from senior decision makers who are looking into the technologies to implement in their organisation and want their company to perform better when it comes to customer engagement and digital experience.
August 11, 2015 - Nathan Eddy, eWeek
Organizations Tap Social Media, IoT Tech to Boost Business
Global business leaders expect their IT organizations to realize measurable business and competitive advantages from technology transformation, according to a Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network study sponsored by Dimension Data.
August 11, 2015 - CBR Staff, Computer Business Review
93% of Global Executives View Tech as an Asset
A new survey has found that majority of business executives expect to see greater progress from their IT organisations in deploying a range of technologies to increase agility, with 93% of them saying that tech is more important than it was five years ago.
August 10, 2015 - Andy Szal, Manufacturing.net
Survey: Executives Hope To See Greater Progress From IT Organizations
The analysis by networking group the Business Performance Innovation Network found that although nearly 70 percent of survey respondents viewed technology as increasingly important, 52 percent rated their IT innovation as poor or narrowly progressing.
August 8, 2015 - Joe McKendrick, ZDNet
Business to IT: Transform Us, and Speed it Up
A new survey report issued by the BPI Network suggests that business leaders are leaning on their IT departments harder than ever to deliver transformation. Unfortunately, they're also getting impatient.
August 8, 2015 - Patty Gaul, Association for Talent Development
Disruptive Entrepreneurship: Learning From the Young
In its May 2015 report, Start-Up Innovation Inspiring Business Transformation: How Disruptive Entrepreneurship Is Driving Corporate Renovation and Reinvention, Business Performance Innovation Network, working with Tech Mahindra, probed the area around innovation.
July 23, 2015 - MediavataarMe News Desk, MediavaraarMe
Getting Access to New Ideas, Insights and Innovations is Biggest Reason to Partner
New ideas and innovation are the lifeblood of 21st century businesses. They’re also the number-one driver for strategic partnerships worldwide, according to a new study by the CMO Council and the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
July 23, 2015 - Billy Goldberg, http://billygoldberg.com/
Billy Goldberg’s interview comments in recent marketing study: ”Grow From the Right Intro”
Read Billy Goldberg’s interview comments in recent marketing study: “Grow From the Right Intro” (pg. 6, 31, 36, 37)
July 22, 2015 - Christine Crandell, Forbes
Big Data Will Select Your Next Strategic Partner
It is a dominant trend in business that has been overlooked because it has lacked a common language and central marketplace. But the numbers reveal just how big the world of business collaboration is. In a study by theCMO Council and Business Performance and Innovation Network (sponsored by Powerlinx), 85% of executives stated that strategic partnerships were vital to their growth plans.
July 15, 2015 - Staff, Healthcare IT News
7 Pain Points of Big Data
A new report by the BPI Network, "Accelerate How You Innovate: Data Center Evolution in the Era of the Cloud," examines how organizations are adapting to a new model of business-responsive datacenters and networks. And as they do healthcare IT leaders are starting down seven critical pain points.
July 7, 2015 - Kurt Marko, Forbes
Bimodal IT Doesn't Mean Bipolar Organizations: The Path to IT Transformation
Furthermore, whether some workloads are dynamically split between private and public clouds in a truly hybrid design is yet another decision that is purely a function of application design, resource usage and workload variability. Indeed, a recent report from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network illustrates an alternative hybrid model: maintain base functions as mode 1 services, but augment them with new features from SaaS or custom IaaS-based applications.
July 7, 2015 - Money Cab
Dimension Data Schweiz: Daniel Locher Neu Sales Specialist “Next Generation Data Center”
Dimension Data, der global agierende Service- und Lösungsanbieter für Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie baut gezielt seine Kompetenz im Bereich des „Next Generation Data Center“ aus. Dabei ist es gelungen, mit Daniel Locher (39) einen in diesem Geschäft ausgewiesenen und sehr erfahrenen Verkaufsspezialisten zu gewinnen. In seiner neuen Funktion wird es zu seinen zentralen Aufgaben gehören, die umfassenden Dienstleistungen von Dimension Data im Bereich Cloud und Data Center Management gegenüber den Kunden im Markt deutlich zu positionieren.
July 2, 2015 - Andrea Stroud , APQC
How Disruptive Entrepreneurship Drives Business Transformation
Business Performance Innovation Network (BPI) in partnership with Tech Mahindraproduced a research report based on an online survey of more than 250 enterprise business leaders and innovators across North America, Europe, and Asia.
July 2, 2015 - Andrea Stroud , APQC
How Disruptive Entrepreneurship Drives Business Transformation
Business Performance Innovation Network (BPI) in partnership with Tech Mahindraproduced a research report based on an online survey of more than 250 enterprise business leaders and innovators across North America, Europe, and Asia.
June 29, 2015 - Manage IT
Globale Diskussionsplattform Zum Rechenzentrum Der Zukunft
Die Initiative »Transform to better perform« fördert den weltweiten Dialog zwischen Unternehmensentscheidern und Technologieexperten über die Notwendigkeit zur Restrukturierung des eigenen Rechenzentrums sowie den Möglichkeiten hybrider IT-Lösungen.
June 25, 2015 - Bettina Von Stamm , Innovation Leadership Forum
To Become More Innovative: A Mindset Shift Is Required
Bettina has been asked to contribute to the perspective piece on:”Innovation: The New Competitive Equation” of ‘Brainwaves‘, BPI’s Networks Journal. She decided to focus her article on: what it takes to become more innovative. We are delighted to share with you today her thoughts on the subject.
June 25, 2015 - Digital Business Cloud
Rechenzentrum Der Zukunft Unterstützt Cloud-Transformation
Das Rechenzentrum ist für mehr als zwei Drittel der Unternehmen in Deutschland der Dreh- und Angelpunkt der Digitalisierung, wie die Studie "Digital Business Readiness von Crisp Research im Auftrag von Dimension Data Deutschland belegt. Den Herausforderungen der Digitalen Transformation lässt sich nach Ansicht von Dimension Data nur begegnen, dieses Epizentrum zu restrukturieren und für hybride Modelle zu öffnen. Deshalb unterstützt der Anbieter auch die globale Diskussionsplattform "Transform to better perform" des Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network zum Rechenzentrum der Zukunft.
June 24, 2015 - Andrea Stroud, APQC
Who is Driving Data Centers' Move To the Cloud?
Transform to Better Perform is a new global thought leadership initiative developed by the Business Performance Innovation Network (BPI) in partnership with Dimension Data. It is dedicated to helping business leaders, IT organizations, data professionals and technology providers explore the transformation of the data center into cloud-based environments that meet today’s business needs.
June 22, 2015 - Bad Homberg, Finanzen.net
Dimension Data Unterstützt Globale Diskussionsplattform Zum Rechenzentrum Der Zukunft
Das Rechenzentrum ist für mehr als zwei Drittel der deutschen Unternehmen Dreh- und Angelpunkt der Digitalisierung. Dies zeigt die "Digital Business Readiness"-Studie von Crisp Research im Auftrag von Dimension Data Deutschland. Um den Herausforderungen der Digitalen Transformation gerecht zu werden, sind eine Restrukturierung dieses Epizentrums und eine Öffnung für hybride Modelle aber unerlässlich. Deshalb unterstützt Dimension Data die globale Diskussionsplattform "Transform to better perform" des Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network und damit den Austausch zum Rechenzentrum der Zukunf
June 22, 2015 - Elektro Hirn
Dimension Data Unterstützt Globale Diskussionsplattform Zum Rechenzentrum Der Zukunft
Das Rechenzentrum ist für mehr als zwei Drittel der deutschen Unternehmen Dreh- und Angelpunkt der Digitalisierung. Dies zeigt die "Digital Business Readiness"-Studie von Crisp Research im Auftrag von Dimension Data Deutschland. Um den Herausforderungen der Digitalen Transformation gerecht zu werden, sind eine Restrukturierung dieses Epizentrums und eine Öffnung für hybride Modelle aber unerlässlich. Deshalb unterstützt Dimension Data die globale Diskussionsplattform "Transform to better perform" des Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network und damit den Austausch zum Rechenzentrum der Zukunft.
June 22, 2015 - Deutsches Business.TV
Dimension Data Unterstützt Globale Diskussionsplattform
Das Rechenzentrum ist für mehr als zwei Drittel der deutschen Unternehmen Dreh- und Angelpunkt der Digitalisierung. Dies zeigt die “Digital Business Readiness”-Studie von Crisp Research im Auftrag von Dimension Data Deutschland. Um den Herausforderungen der Digitalen Transformation gerecht zu werden, sind eine Restrukturierung dieses Epizentrums und eine Öffnung für hybride Modelle aber unerlässlich. Deshalb unterstützt Dimension Data die globale Diskussionsplattform “Transform to better perform” des Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network und damit den Austausch zum Rechenzentrum der Zukunft.
June 22, 2015 - finanzen.net
Dimension Data Unterstützt Globale Diskussionsplattform Zum Rechenzentrum Der Zukunft
Das Rechenzentrum ist für mehr als zwei Drittel der deutschen Unternehmen Dreh- und Angelpunkt der Digitalisierung. Dies zeigt die "Digital Business Readiness"-Studie von Crisp Research im Auftrag von Dimension Data Deutschland. Um den Herausforderungen der Digitalen Transformation gerecht zu werden, sind eine Restrukturierung dieses Epizentrums und eine Öffnung für hybride Modelle aber unerlässlich. Deshalb unterstützt Dimension Data die globale Diskussionsplattform "Transform to better perform" des Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network und damit den Austausch zum Rechenzentrum der Zukunft.
June 17, 2015 - Cal Butera, Business Management Daily
How To Put Staff In Innovation Mode
A new report produced by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network titled Innovation: The New Competitive Equation, found that eight out of 10 executives now declare their companies’ commitment to innovation as “very high” or “growing.” What’s more, BPI reports that these companies are stripping away the barriers to harness the best ideas from customers, partners, R&D teams, external technologies and literally every member of staff. This means that many execs are relying on bottom-up innovation.
June 17, 2015 - Cal Butera, Business Management
How to Put Staff in Innovation Mode
A new report produced by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network titledInnovation: The New Competitive Equation, found that eight out of 10 executives now declare their companies’ commitment to innovation as “very high” or “growing.”
June 17, 2015 - Cal Butera , Business Management Daily
How To Put Staff in Innovation Mode
A new report produced by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network titledInnovation: The New Competitive Equation, found that eight out of 10 executives now declare their companies’ commitment to innovation as “very high” or “growing.”
June 16, 2015 - Dennis McCafferty , CIO Insight
How Disruptive Startups Are Changing Enterprises
A powerful combination of business and tech inventiveness and risk-taking among startups is forcing larger, established companies to redefine the way they do business, according to a recent survey from the BPI Network and Tech Mahindra.
June 16, 2015 - Dennis McCafferty , CIO Insight
A Powerful Combination of Business and Tech Inventiveness and Risk-Taking Among Startups Is Forcing
A powerful combination of business and tech inventiveness and risk-taking among startups is forcing larger, established companies to redefine the way they do business, according to a recent survey from the BPI Network and Tech Mahindra.
June 16, 2015 - Dennis McCafferty , CIO Insight
How Disruptive Startups are Changing Enterprises
A powerful combination of business and tech inventiveness and risk-taking among startups is forcing larger, established companies to redefine the way they do business, according to a recent survey from the BPI Network and Tech Mahindra.
June 16, 2015 - Dennis McCafferty, CIO Insight
How Disruptive Startups Are Changing Enterprises
A powerful combination of business and tech inventiveness and risk-taking among startups is forcing larger, established companies to redefine the way they do business, according to a recent survey from the BPI Network and Tech Mahindra. The report, "Startup Innovation Inspiring Business Transformation: How Disruptive Entrepreneurship Is Driving Corporate Renovation and Reinvention," reveals that these younger competitors are introducing bold, new strategies, greater agility and superior mobility practices while fueled by ready access to growth capital.
June 9, 2015 - Bad Homberg, Finanzen.net
Experton Cloud Vendor Benchmark 2015: Dimension Data Ist Dynamischstes Unternehmen Und Baut Position
Deshalb unterstützen wir auch aktiv Initiativen wie die globale Diskussionsplattform 'Transform to better perform' des Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network und damit den Austausch zum Rechenzentrum der Zukunft." Im Sommer nimmt Dimension Data in Frankfurt das fünfzehnte Rechenzentrum weltweit und die erste eigene Managed Cloud Plattform (MCP) in Deutschland in Betrieb, um Performance, Verfügbarkeit und Sicherheit der ITaaS-Lösungen in Deutschland weiter zu verbessern. Die strategische Ausrichtung sowie das Potenzial für die Weiterentwicklung war neben der Qualität des Angebots wichtiges Kriterium der Experton-Analysten
June 9, 2015 - finanzen.net
Experton Cloud Vendor Benchmark 2015: Dimension Data Ist Dynamischstes Unternehmen Und Baut Position
Deshalb unterstützen wir auch aktiv Initiativen wie die globale Diskussionsplattform 'Transform to better perform' des Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network und damit den Austausch zum Rechenzentrum der Zukunft." Im Sommer nimmt Dimension Data in Frankfurt das fünfzehnte Rechenzentrum weltweit und die erste eigene Managed Cloud Plattform (MCP) in Deutschland in Betrieb, um Performance, Verfügbarkeit und Sicherheit der ITaaS-Lösungen in Deutschland weiter zu verbessern. Die strategische Ausrichtung sowie das Potenzial für die Weiterentwicklung war neben der Qualität des Angebots wichtiges Kriterium der Experton-Analysten.
June 3, 2015 - David Weldon, Fierce CIO
Will CIO Survival Depend on Disruptive Innovation?
A new study from the Business Performance Innovation Network looks at the two elements combined, and how markets – and especially large companies – are dealing with the influx of new contenders in their industries.
June 2, 2015 - Minda Zetlin, Inc.
Why Big Corporations Suddenly Care About Small Companies and What You Should Do About It
Across the nation, executives in boardrooms are thinking, worrying and talking about the new factor that's changing everything in their world-the growth, innovation, and market power of small and start-up companies.
June 1, 2015 - Tom Murphy , Cloud Post
Learning To Walk Before We Run – Data Center Evolution In The Era Of The Cloud
Tom Murphy, Editorial Director, BPINetwork.org, says: The cloud has hung over us long enough that we have begun to take it for granted. Almost all companies use some basic cloud services now for storage, Software as a Service or application development. Early fears of unreliability or security gaps have largely given way to seemingly endless optimism about the advantages of virtual datacenters, faster disaster recovery, lower costs and providing global access from any device, anywhere, any time.
May 27, 2015 - The Associated Press, New York Times
Love Not War Wins for Small Businesses and Large Companies
Imagine a world where David and Goliath are best buds. Well it's becoming reality more frequently in the business world.Boston Beer Co., maker of Sam Adams, mentors and lends money to small craft brewers. It hopes their sales will grow and take grocery store shelf space from brands like Budweiser, Miller and Coors. "The best way for us to grow at Sam Adams is by having more craft beers out there," Boston Beer Chairman Jim Koch says.
May 27, 2015 - Marcus, Cloud Computing Intelligence
BPI Campaign Aims to Change the Future Data Centre
The campaign, 'Transform to Better Perform', from The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network will explore IT trends and business imperatives that could shape the future of data centres and evolving hybrid IT models. The programme includes a portal, ReinventDataCentres.com, where visitors can contribute their ideas, participate in ongoing conversations, access original and aggregated content, download new reports and whitepapers, and become a part of important surveys and polls.
May 21, 2015 - L'info multi-secteurs, Agglotv
Transform to Better Perform
BPI Network fait équipe avec Dimension Data et d’autres acteurs afin de lancer un nouveau portail web et une communauté de responsables IT et métiers pour échanger avec ses pairs et pour partager les meilleures pratiques et études
May 21, 2015 - Agglotv, L'info multi-secteurs
"Transform To Better Perform"
BPI Network fait équipe avec Dimension Data et d’autres acteurs afin de lancer un nouveau portail web et une communauté de responsables IT et métiers pour échanger avec ses pairs et pour partager les meilleures pratiques et études.
May 17, 2015 - CNME Staff , CNME
BPI Campaign Aims To Create Global Dialog On The Future Of Data Centres
The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network has recently announced its “Transform to Better Perform” campaign which aims to explore business imperatives and IT trends reshaping the future of data centres and evolving hybrid IT models
May 17, 2015 - CNME Staff, Computer News Middle East
BPI Campaign Aims To Create Global Dialog On The Future Of Data Centres
The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network has recently announced its “Transform to Better Perform” campaign which aims to explore business imperatives and IT trends reshaping the future of data centres and evolving hybrid IT models.
May 15, 2015 - Jorge Barba, Game Changer
New Disruption Study: How Entrepreneurship is Driving Corporate Reinvention
With the inevitable rise of entrepreneurship and startups driving customer innovation, incumbent companies have begun adopting some of their techniques to either catch up or really stimulate transformation within the enterprise. A recent report by BPI Network called “Start-Up Innovation: Inspiring Business Transformation,” examines the impact of digital disruption on global enterprises and markets.
May 14, 2015 - 01net.
Su Reinventdatacenters.com il Futuro dei Datacenter
Si chiama “Transform to Better Perform” l’iniziativa che coinvolgerà partner, comunità e gruppi di azionisti di tutto il mondo per condividere visioni e avviare dibattiti nell’identificazione di un modello emergente per datacenter quella annunciata da Business Performance Innovation Network e sponsorizzata da Dimension Data. L’intento è mettere a punto una rete globale di scambio di conoscenza per mappare un nuovo modello di datacenter reattivo e infrastrutture ibride attraverso la creazione di un nuovo portale e di una comunità Web per condividere best practice, ricerche, contenuti e stimolare nuove interazioni.
May 13, 2015 - Zawya
Global Knowledge Exchange Network to Map New Model for Responsive Data Centers
The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, a Silicon Valley based organization representing enterprise leaders, today announced a major campaign to explore business imperatives and IT trends reshaping the future of data centers and evolving hybrid IT models. The wide-reaching initiative will embrace multiple global partners, communities and stakeholder groups to develop insights and discussions in identifying a new emerging model for agile, business-responsive IT delivery and next-generation data centers.
May 13, 2015 - EFYTimes , EFYTimes
Global Knowledge Exchange Network To Map New Model For Responsive Data Centers And Hybrid IT Infrast
The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, a Silicon Valley based organization representing enterprise leaders, today announced a major campaign to explore business imperatives and IT trends reshaping the future of data centers and evolving hybrid IT models. The wide-reaching initiative will embrace multiple global partners, communities and stakeholder groups to develop insights and discussions in identifying a new emerging model for agile, business-responsive IT delivery and next-generation data centers.
May 13, 2015 - IT One
“Transform To Better Perform”
The BPI Network’s new “Transform to Better Perform”campaign incorporates a multiplicity of open channels of insight and conversation for change-oriented business and technology leaders, as well as data center and IT professionals. more
May 13, 2015 - Zawya, Zawya
Global Knowledge Exchange Network To Map New Model For Responsive Data Centers
"Transform to Better Perform" initiative brings business and IT leaders into multilevel global discussion on imperatives and pathways to next generation data centers and lower cost, more adaptive cloud-based IT operations.
May 12, 2015 - Training Magazine
Fear of Failure Hampers Innovation
Organizations worldwide have increased their focus on innovation. Yet, too often, they’re stymied by ingrained fear of failure and internal politics, as well as a lack of clear strategies and repeatable processes to make innovation measurable and accountable across the enterprise, according to a study released by the Business Performance Innovation Network.
May 12, 2015 - Data Centre Solutions (DCS Europe)
“Transform to Better Perform” Initiative Focuses On Data Centres and the Cloud
The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, a Silicon Valley based organisation representing enterprise leaders, has launched a major campaign to explore business imperatives and IT trends reshaping the future of data centres and evolving hybrid IT models. The wide-reaching initiative will embrace multiple global partners, communities and stakeholder groups to develop insights and discussions in identifying a new emerging model for agile, business-responsive IT delivery and next-generation data centres.
May 12, 2015 - Computer Business Review (CBR),
BPI Campaign Aims to Create Global Data Centre Dialog
The programme includes a portal for participants to interact and share ideas. The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network has announced a campaign, 'Transform to Better Perform', which will explore IT trends and business imperatives that could shape the future of data centres and evolving hybrid IT models. The programme includes a portal, ReinventDataCentres.com, where visitors can contribute their ideas, participate in ongoing conversations, access original and aggregated content, download new reports and whitepapers, and become a part of important surveys and polls.
May 12, 2015 - Bill Boyle, Datacenter Dynamics
BPI Network Launches Campaign For Data Center Change
The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, an industry grouping, has launched a campaign to promote change and development in data centers.The Transform to Better Perform campaign will include www.reinventdatacenters.com, a community portal hosting content and debate, including new surveys, whitepapers, and videos on TransformTech TV. The campaign, run by a global advisory board of senior business and IT leaders, in partnership with Dimension Data and DatacenterDynamics, will explore the trends reshaping IT, identivying and discussing emerging models for agile IT delivery and next-generation data centers.
May 12, 2015 - Carlo Faricciotti, BtB
BPI Network Lancia Analisi Dei Data Center
Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network – organizzazione di networking per condividere pensieri e opinioni di leader e professionisti www.bpinetwork.org – lancia una campagna per analizzare gli imperativi aziendali e i trend IT che stanno rimodellando il futuro dei data centre e che stanno evolvendo verso modelli IT ibridi
May 12, 2015 - LineaEDP, LineaEDP
Il Futuro Dei Data Center In Un Evento
Transform to Better Perform” è l’iniziativa organizzata da BPI per coinvolgere leader aziendali e It in un confronto globale trasversale sugli imperativi e le modalità verso i data center di nuova generazione
May 12, 2015 - LineaEDP, LineaEDP
Il Futuro Dei Data Center In Un Evento
“Transform to Better Perform” è l’iniziativa organizzata da BPI per coinvolgere leader aziendali e It in un confronto globale trasversale sugli imperativi e le modalità verso i data center di nuova generazione.
May 12, 2015 - Carlo Faricciotti, BTB
BPI Network Lancia Analisi Dei Data Center
Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network – organizzazione di networking per condividere pensieri e opinioni di leader e professionisti www.bpinetwork.org – lancia una campagna per analizzare gli imperativi aziendali e i trend IT che stanno rimodellando il futuro dei data centre e che stanno evolvendo verso modelli IT ibridi.
May 12, 2015 - Bill Boyle, Green Data Center News
BPI Network Launches Campaign For Data Center Change
Contributions to the program will come from partners including the main sponsor, infrastructure and service provider Dimension Data, as well as from DatacenterDynamics, a global expert on data center trends, operational improvement and professional skills development.
May 11, 2015 - PRNewswire , Virtual Strategy Magazine
Global Knowledge Exchange Network To Map New Model For Responsive Data Centers And Hybrid IT Infrast
The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, a Silicon Valley based organization representing enterprise leaders, today announced a major campaign to explore business imperatives and IT trends reshaping the future of data centers and evolving hybrid IT models. The wide-reaching initiative will embrace multiple global partners, communities and stakeholder groups to develop insights and discussions in identifying a new emerging model for agile, business-responsive IT delivery and next-generation data centers.
May 11, 2015 - PR Newswire, PR Newswire
Global Knowledge Exchange Network To Map New Model For Responsive Data Centers
The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, a Silicon Valley based organization representing enterprise leaders, today announced a major campaign to explore business imperatives and IT trends reshaping the future of data centers and evolving hybrid IT models. The wide-reaching initiative will embrace multiple global partners, communities and stakeholder groups to develop insights and discussions in identifying a new emerging model for agile, business-responsive IT delivery and next-generation data centers.
May 7, 2015 - David Weldon, FierceCIO
Innovation: What it Means for the CIO, the IT Staff, and the Organization
Certain obvious technology trends are driving much of the increased IT hiring in 2015, but above all else is the desire to find technology leaders and professionals that can drive innovation. This isn't an abstract topic either. Innovation and creativity are near the top of the candidate's must-have list for an increasing number of IT recruiters and hiring managers FierceCIO has spoken with in recent months. Within this article, BPI has addressed these topics with a few solutions.
May 6, 2015 - Dennis McCafferty, Baseline Magazine
How to Stand Out as an Innovator
Organizations are increasingly committing to innovation and are seeking employees who are willing to challenge the status quo and traditional thinking, according to a recent survey from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
April 30, 2015 - Andrea Stroud, APQC
Innovation: The New Competitive Equation
This month, the Busines Performance Innovation (BPI) Network published a report,Innovation: The New Competitive Equation. The report examines innovation strategies and roadblocks in today's enterprise. According to the report, 79% of survey respondents currently rate their companies' commitment to innovation as very high or growing. While the intention is there, companies are still experiencing significant roadblocks.
April 29, 2015 - Business Management Daily, Business Management Daily
New Report Takes a Snapshot of the Innovation Race
In an age where start-up innovation is disrupting industries across the globe, legacy corporations must reinvent their business strategy in order to remain competitive. That means there is no longer any stone left unturned in generating the best possible products and services out there. Top companies are stripping away the barriers to harness the best ideas from customers, partners, R&D teams, external technologies and literally every member of staff.
April 22, 2015 - Lioness Magazine
Impact Of Disruptive Technology Startups On Global Business Takes Center Stage At TiEcon 2015
TiEcon 2015, the world’s largest gathering of entrepreneurs, will become ground zero for “disruptive entrepreneurship” on May 15-16 at Silicon Valley’sSanta Clara Convention Center. This year’s conference will present, for the first time, findings of a new global study examining how start-ups are impacting market transformation and corporate innovation.
April 14, 2015 - USDR, US Daily Review
Universities Breed Risk Aversion, Not Innovation
Organizations worldwide have increased their focus on innovation. Yet, too often, they’re stymied by ingrained fear of failure and internal politics, as well as a lack of clear strategies and repeatable processes to make innovation measurable and accountable across the enterprise, according to a study released today by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
April 14, 2015 - Innovation Enterprise, Innovation Enterprise
Innovation- The New Competitive Equation
As executives across industries respond to profound global competition and business realignment, commitment to innovation is at the forefront of the minds of top companies around the world. The infographic explores why, and how, many companies are investing in innovation.
April 11, 2015 - ILF Website Admin, Innovation Leadership Forum
To Become More Innovative: A Mindset Shift is Required
Bettina has been asked to contribute to the perspective piece on:”Innovation: The New Competitive Equation” of ‘Brainwaves‘, BPI’s Networks Journal. She decided to focus her article on: what it takes to become more innovative. We are delighted to share with you today her thoughts on the subject.
April 6, 2015 - Culture, Strategy and Structured Process, PR Newswire
Fear of Failure, Politics Hamper Innovation in the Enterprise, Says New Study
Organizations worldwide have increased their focus on innovation. Yet, too often, they're stymied by ingrained fear of failure and internal politics, as well as a lack of clear strategies and repeatable processes to make innovation measurable and accountable across the enterprise, according to a study released today by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
April 1, 2015 - Brightidea, Brightidea
Innovation. The New Competitive Equation.
Brightidea sponsored with BPI Network to create a highly informative innovation research study that examines innovation strategies and roadblocks in the enterprise today. Learn how to shape your innovation strategy based on key insights revealed by over 200 top executives across the globe. Download report here.
February 23, 2015 - Sean Pomeroy, Business 2 Community
3 Ways to Cultivate Mutually Beneficial Strategic Partnerships
You’re an entrepreneur for a reason. You’ve successfully developed a product or service that poses a real benefit to the greater population or other businesses. Now to get to the marketing, the finances, the technology… the truth is, you can’t do it all yourself. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s critical for you and your organization to build strategic partnerships.
November 24, 2014 - Andrew Simon, Simon Associates Management Consultants
How Can You Create An Innovative Startup Culture Within An Existing Large Business? Intrapreneurship
Intrapreneurship: a smart, forward-looking catalyst to help corporations fast track new offerings and explore innovation opportunities, or an untested art form destined to fail in large companies? This increasingly vocal debate is precisely what Andrew Simon, serial entrepreneur and partner at Simon Associates Management Partners (SAMC) examines in his latest article, "Intraprenuers: A great idea but inside a big company, can they possibly succeed?," recently published by BPI Network.
November 3, 2014 - David Essex, TechTarget
Best practices for financial planning and analysis
This year the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network set out to learn what finance executives are doing to help business units with financial planning and analysis. Its report, Predictability through planning agility: Best practices in collaborative budgeting and continuous business rebalancing, analyzes interviews with CFOs and other senior executives about their budgeting and forecasting challenges and best practices, and the role of such technologies as corporate performance management (CPM) software.
November 3, 2014 - Patrick Thibodeau, ComputerWorld
A CIO fights to keep his tech options open
Consolidation among tech vendors leaves users with fewer choices and less leverage at the negotiating table. In today's IT market, vendors tell users that engineered, converged and highly integrated systems deliver the greatest efficiency. But some users believe a heterogeneous environment is the best path to savings.
October 24, 2014 - Kimberly A. Whitler, Forbes
Why Strategic Alliances Fail: New CMO Council Report
In a recent study conducted by The CMO Council (for a complimentary report, click here), 85% of respondents viewed partnerships and alliances as essential or important to their businesses. In today’s more complex world, where expertise is often gained through strategic relationships, this isn’t surprising. However, what was unexpected was that although strategic partnerships were rated as important, almost half reported high failure rates (failure rate of 60% or more).
October 1, 2014 - Staff, eMarketer
How to Improve Strategic Partnerships (It's Important)
Strategic alliances are more critical than ever before, according to research released in September 2014 by the CMO Council and BPI Network. The report noted that such partnerships help companies expand their reach globally, generate revenues and target new customers, and because of this, 56% of senior marketing executives worldwide called out such efforts as extremely important to their businesses. - See more at: http://www.emarketer.com/Article/How-Improve-Strategic-Partnerships-Its-Important/1011244#sthash.yyxHf7rU.dpuf
September 23, 2014 - Deanna White, Accounting Web
How Corporate Finance Got Its Groove Back
In today's volatile marketplace, companies, regardless of their size, are dealing with more complexity than ever before. Global markets, which bring both new opportunities and new competitors, far-flung supply chains that require precise organization, disruptive technology, increasingly empowered customers, and lingering economic uncertainty, which continues to fetter many firms' plans for growth, have all exponentially accelerated the pace of change in nearly every industry. To thrive in this volatile and ever-variable business climate, a new report, conducted by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, is advising CFOs, management accountants, and other finance professionals to literally "rethink" the way their finance departments do business. The report, "Predictability Through Planning Agility: Best Practices in Collaborative Budgeting and Continuous Business Rebalancing," released this August, says finance professionals must "consider new agile financial processes that improve predictability and responsiveness to changing business conditions" if they want their companies to grow today's capricious business climate.
September 23, 2014 - Rieva Lesonsky, Essergy
6 Things Entrepreneurs Should Know
What’s the number-one driver for global strategic partnerships? According to a new study, Grow From the Right Intro, by the CMO Council and the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, it’s “new ideas and innovation.”
September 16, 2014 - Staff, SlideShare
Grow from the Right Intro: The State of Strategic Partnerships in 2014
This special report - Grow from the Right Intro - examines the importance of strategic partnerships and alliances in business growth, explores the challenges and opportunities of identifying and creating them and discusses how to maximize the chances of success, which includes making use of big data analytics and automation.
September 12, 2014 - Rieva Lesonsky, Small Biz Daily
6 Things Entrepreneurs Should Know
What’s the number-one driver for global strategic partnerships? According to a new study, Grow From the Right Intro, by the CMO Council and the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, it’s “new ideas and innovation.”
September 11, 2014 - Anna Papachristos , 1 to 1 Media
Businesses Struggle to Develop Rewarding, Strategic Partnerships
According to the CMO Council and BPI Network's "Grow from the Right Intro" report, companies of all sizes and industries continuously strive to establish such partnerships in an effort to acquire customers, drive revenue, and enter new markets, yet most lack the knowledge, connections, and management capabilities needed for maximum impact.
September 10, 2014 - Beth Negus Viveiros, Chief Marketer
Partnerships Key to Business Success: Report
Finding new ideas and innovation are the top driver for strategic partnerships worldwide, according to a new study by the CMO Council and the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network. Forty-two percent of companies are not satisfied with how well they leverage their partnership and alliance potential according to the new study, based on a survey of 330 senior management executives and 20 in-depth qualitative interviews.
September 9, 2014 - Staff, Hispanic Ad
New Ideas, Insights and Innovations is Biggest Reason to Partner
The study, entitled “Grow From the Right Intro,” was sponsored by Powerlinx, the global online partner-matching network. The wide-ranging research initiative was conducted in the second quarter of this year to examine strategies and best practices for business partner opportunity sourcing. The study involved interviews and a global online audit of business decision makers at companies in a cross-section of industries and life stages.
September 9, 2014 - Ife Adedapo, Punch Magazine
Partnerships Essential for Business Success
New ideas and innovation are the lifeblood of twenty first century businesses. They are also the number-one driver for strategic partnerships worldwide, according to a new study by the CMO Council and the Business Performance Innovation Network.
September 9, 2014 - Warc Staff, WARC
Partnering Seen as Essential to Success
A study by the CMO Council and the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, based on a survey of 330 senior management executives and 20 in-depth qualitative interviews, found that getting access to new ideas, insights and innovations was a major reason to partner.
September 9, 2014 - Kaitlyn Hall, SMB Nation Blog
Business Partnerships Essential Yet Often Fail
“Grow From the Right Intro,” a new study by the CMO Council and the Business Performance Innovation Network, found that today’s businesses highly value the importance of partnerships. Though 85 percent of the 330 management survey respondents believe it is important or essential to their business to have partnerships and alliances, almost half reported failure rates of at least 60 percent and only 10 percent felt they were extremely good at partner introductions.
September 8, 2014 - Mediavataarme
Getting Access to New Ideas, Insights and Innovations Is Biggest Reason to Partner
Study finds strategic partnerships are becoming increasingly important, especially to drive access to new insights and innovations.
September 8, 2014 - Donovan Neale-May, Inside Performance Advertising
INside the Boardroom US: Donovan Neale-May, Executive Director, CMO Council
The old mantra “You Can’t Go It Alone” has never been so true in business. Mostly gone are the vertically integrated corporate giants who once lumbered across the planet and controlled global markets. Today, business success depends on a company’s acumen and agility in identifying and collaborating with a wide range of value chain partners—from suppliers, manufacturers, IP owners and logistics companies to co-competitors, distributors and businesses of all types who provide access to new customers, markets and innovation.
September 8, 2014 - Barb Mosher Zinck, Digital Tech Diary
Building Strong Successful Partnerships is Necessary, But Not Easy
But as the CMO Council found, finding the right partner and ensuring the relationship stays strong and beneficial is not easy. The CMO Council and Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network recently completed a study of 330 senior management executives focused on what they develop partnerships for and how they work. The study showed the 85% believe partnerships are important to the businesses overall growth strategy, but many have not been able to develop successful relationships (44% have a high failure rate).
September 3, 2014 - Donovan Neale-May, PerformanceIN
INside the Boardroom US: Donovan Neale-May, Executive Director, CMO Council
Those are some of the insights of new research conducted by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network and the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council, in cooperation with Powerlinx, an intelligent BtoB partner matching platform. The study, called “Grow From The Right Intro,” examines the current state of partnering among businesses worldwide and demonstrates that alliance building is now a top priority for companies of all sizes.
August 26, 2014 - Staff, Vertical Insider
Grow From the Right Intro
This study, based on a survey of 330 senior management executives by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, finds 42 percent of companies are not satisfied with how well they leverage their partnership and alliance potential.
August 26, 2014 - Staff, White Paper World
Grow From the Right Intro
This study, based on a survey of 330 senior management executives by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, finds 42 percent of companies are not satisfied with how well they leverage their partnership and alliance potential
August 5, 2014 - Jackie Stewart, American Banker
How Vendor Contracts Influence M&A Discussions
As consolidation picks up, buyers and sellers must examine their vendor contracts to make sure terms and pricing are in their favor.
August 5, 2014 - Christina O'Neill, Banker & Tradesman
Can You Get It For Me Wholesale?
Study Finds Renegotiating Core Services Contracts Can Yield Huge Savings
August 27, 2013 - Jackie Stewart, American Banker
Banks Face Price Hikes as Tech Vendors Merge
Community banks brace for limited selection, but embrace one-stop shopping, as consolidation takes place among IT firms.
August 1, 2013 - Aaron Silva, Western Independent Bankers
Improving the Value of Any Merger or Acquisition How to Prepare for the Coming Consolidation in Comm
The financial and business pressures facing smaller banks represent a recipe for consolidation. However, as I see it, there’s at least one missing ingredient holding the industry back – willing sellers who are satisfied with current valuations.
July 30, 2013 - Sam Sexer, Wolf and Co.
Banking Technology Connections: Vendor contract challenges
Although it’s the responsibility of your lawyers to read a contract’s fine print and review it for key language, it’s important to consider their familiarity with the particular type of contract.
July 14, 2013 - Laura Alix, Banker & Tradesman
Study: Banks, CUs Overpaying For Technology
Think fast: When is the last time you paid more for a piece of technology than you would have five, even 10, years ago? Maybe a laptop? A camera? An MP3 player?
June 3, 2013 - TriNovus
Study: Restructuring Can Reduce Cost of Core Processing and IT Services
One of the definitions for “restructure” found on Dictinoary.com is “to effect a fundamental change in.” For community financial institutions that restructure their vendor contracts for one of their largest categories of non-interest expense that fundamental change is reduced costs, according to a new report from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
May 27, 2013 - Thomas Wright, Credit Union News
According to a study by Business Performance Innovation Network in association with Paladin fs, credit unions are overpaying for their core systems by an average of about 24% over “fair market value.”
May 22, 2013 - Jackie Stewart, American Banker
Bankers Hiring Hagglers to Negotiate IT Contracts
Community banks are spending a little bit of money now in hopes of saving more on core processing and IT-service contracts.
May 20, 2013 - CUNA News Now, Credit Union Insight
Credit Unions & Community Banks Overpay For Core Services
Credit unions and community banks aren’t doing themselves any favors in negotiating information technology (IT) service provider contracts, according to a survey of executives about their top business concerns and management priorities.
February 16, 2011 - Steven Brown, San Francisco Business Times
Finance Executives See Rosier Economy This Year
A survey of financial executives found that though they’re still pessimistic about job growth in the United States, most of them expect the economy to do better in 2011 than 2010.
February 15, 2011 - Michael Cohn, Accounting Today
Financial Execs See Economic Improvements
Nearly two-thirds of finance executives predict the U.S. economy will fare better this year than last year, according to a new survey.
July 13, 2010 - Matthew Scott, DailyFinance
No Jobs Yet: CFOs Say Hiring May Not Revive Until 2011 or 2012
Long-suffering job seekers may be in for a longer period of pain, because the corporate executives who handle the money aren't making plans to hire anytime soon.
July 13, 2010 - Paula La Monica, CNNMoney.com
Earnings Look Good. But Where Are the Jobs?
This article talks about the state of the current job market in America.
March 6, 2010 - Walter Derzko, Smart Economy
When will the recession end? Part 56 "Back to Normal" or "This time it's Different"
Walter Derzko discusses the recession and the debt crisis.
January 1, 1970 - Staff, Business Information Industry Association
Partnerships: A Critical Path to Grow the Business
The groundbreaking Grow from the Right Intro study by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, in conjunction with Powerlinx, examines the role of strategic partnerships and alliances in driving growth, looks at the challenges experienced by many companies and discusses the ways firms can better identify, connect and do business with the right partner.
Recent Study Commissioned by Attabotics Finds 96% of Industry Survey Respondents See a Major Need to Rebuild Supply and Delivery Capabilities to Meet Growing Customer Expectations
(San Jose, Calif - November 8, 2022) A new study by the CMO Council and Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network finds retailers and consumer products companies are scrambling to meet customer demand for fast home delivery of products, citing outdated supply and delivery chains, a lack of order fulfillment centers near customers, and the high capital costs of fixing these problems as major... Read more »
BPI Network, CMO Council and Daon to Drive Global Conversation on Modernizing Cross-Channel Authentication to Advance Customer Experiences, Revenue and Risk Management
(SAN JOSE - September 15, 2021) The critical need to simplify and unify the way companies recognize and authenticate their customers and partners across all channels of engagement is the subject of a new thought leadership initiative being undertaken by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network and Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council, in partnership with Daon, a global leader in identity assurance technology. The... Read more »
New BPI Network Research Finds High Licensing Costs And Poor User Experience
(SAN JOSE, Calif. - October 27, 2020) Given the rapid rise of the consumer digital lifestyle, banking and finance firms are suddenly unable to share documents in person. They must now rely on PDFs as mission-critical documents. A new BPI Network report, produced in partnership with the leading provider of innovative PDF products and services Foxit Software, entitled “Powering PDF Users in Banking and Finance,” covers... Read more »
Still Facing Challenges in Data Logistics and Connectivity; Improving Ability to Identify, Migrate and Synchronize Growing and Diverse Data Stores Globally
(SAN JOSE, Calif. - October 20, 2020) Chief data officers (CDOs) of large and mid-sized companies are gaining significant competitive advantage through analytics and activation of fast-growing, cloud-based data repositories, reports the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network. However, they are still facing tough logistical challenges in simplifying and improving the quality, visibility, synchronization, and migration of... Read more »
BPI Network Survey Finds Operators Rethinking Security in Light of 5G Network Traffic, Dramatic Increase in Connected Devices and New Mission-Critical Use Cases
(San Jose, Calif. - May 27, 2020) Mobile service providers say they are making substantial progress toward ushering in a new generation of 5G Networks that will enable ultra-high-speed mobile connectivity and a wide variety of new applications and smart infrastructure use cases. Progress includes steady work toward virtualizing core network functions and a reexamination of the security investments they will need to... Read more »
BPI Network Study Finds Multi-Cloud Security Is Top Challenge for Enterprises Globally
(SAN JOSE, Calif. - November 19, 2019) A vast majority of enterprises worldwide have adopted multi-cloud strategies to keep pace with the need for digital transformation and IT efficiency, but they face significant challenges in managing the complexities and added requirements of these new application and data delivery infrastructures, according to a global survey conducted by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, in... Read more »
Former Forrester Analyst and Journalist at IDG, Penton and TechTarget To Edit Digital Publications and Produce Multi-Channel Content
(SAN JOSE, Calif. - October 31, 2019) The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, two executive networks operated by GlobalFluency, Inc., have announced the appointment of Tom Kaneshige as Chief Content Officer and editor of digital publications. A Silicon Valley native, Kaneshige has covered the intersection of business and technology for 20 years as an award-winning... Read more »
CMO Council and BPI Network Team with Frost & Sullivan to Deliver Real-Time Transformational Growth Insights to Business Leaders
(SAN JOSE, Calif. - October 15, 2019) With the global economy in the doldrums and trade friction increasing, a new initiative is underway to help chief revenue and commercial officers be smarter and more adept at how they model and achieve transformational growth. Dubbed “Growth Engineering: Mapping Routes to Revenue,” the campaign is powered by a new online Growth Guidance Center (www.growthguidancecenter.com)... Read more »
Mobile Service Providers Preparing to Fortify Security in Anticipation of 5G Deployments, According to New Survey
Survey Finds Operators Anticipate Major IoT-related Revenue Opportunities That Will Dramatically Increase Security Concerns
(SAN JOSE, Calif. - May 6, 2019) According to a new global survey fielded by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, in partnership with A10 Networks, mobile service providers anticipate significant new revenue opportunities from the coming deployment of high-speed 5G networks and a host of new IoT-driven use cases, but they also believe much-improved security will be essential to realizing that... Read more »
CMO Council Partners with B2B Marketing Zone and BPI Network Links with Business Innovation Brief to Offer Members Personalized, Relevant On-Demand Knowledge
(San Jose, Calif. - January 23, 2019) Two highly successful executive affinity groups today announced a partnership to massively scale personalized information delivery to their global members using AI-driven, content sourcing technology that automatically extracts and serves up expert insights from peer-powered communities, social media networks and thought leaders. Both the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and the Business... Read more »
New Survey Finds Shipping Industry Concerned About Impact of Trade Protectionism and Cyber Threats, But Mostly Optimistic About Growth
Industry Respondents Say Technology Spending Will Increase as Companies Seek to Improve Process Efficiency, Customer Experience, and Supply Chain Collaboration
(SAN JOSE, Calif. - November 13, 2018) The global maritime industry is cautiously optimistic about the global business environment for world trade, but also concerned about the potential impact of trade tensions, cyber security, fuel costs and other headwinds to industry recovery, according to a new benchmark survey and study developed by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI Network) in partnership with Navis. Some 82... Read more »
New CMO Council Study Reveals Deficiencies in How Marketing, Commerce and Supply Chain Leaders Integrate Data to Create Deeper, More Valued Customer Relationships
(SAN JOSE, Calif. - July 10, 2018) Whether you’re an executive at the source of product supply, in the engine room of shopper attraction, or at the point of commercial transaction, AI-enriched data analysis has now become essential to customer engagement success. Yet one in four marketing, commerce and supply chain leaders admits that there is simply not enough time, budget or patience to unlock all of data’s... Read more »
Social Media Distractions and Both Parents Working Are Top Two Challenges to Healthy Parenting Reveals Survey on Incidence of Weary and Worn-Out Parents in America
(SAN JOSE, Calif. - June 26, 2018) If you’re among the many millions of weary and worn-out parents in America, it’s important to limit your time on Facebook, reduce your workload, and stay away from problem people in your life. Over 60 percent of 2,000 parents surveyed by PollFish and the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network report they have experienced some form of parental burnout (PBO). Topping the list... Read more »
New Research Highlights How Leading Brands Are Learning From Big Digital Marketplaces and Adapting to a New 4P Model of Marketing That Is Based On Precision, Personalization, Persuasion and Perfection to Multiply Purchase
(SAN JOSE, Calif. - May 21, 2018) Leaders have followers, and nowhere is that more evident than the global eCommerce market, where giant digital shopping destinations like eBay, Amazon and Alibaba now account for more than 50 percent of the nearly $500 billion spent by North American consumers online. Large, global eCommerce communities are disrupting the retail marketplace by bringing together vast numbers of buyers and... Read more »
BPI Network Report Examines Growing Move to Cloud-First IT Strategies and Challenges in Realizing Full Benefits of Agility, Cost Efficiency and Compliance
(San Jose, Calif - November 1, 2017) Leading enterprises are increasingly turning to the Cloud as the go-to platform for managing explosive data growth. Companies are shifting to hybrid and multi-Cloud architectures to improve IT efficiencies, access state-of-the-art applications and technology, and increase flexibility to meet changing business and user demands. A new report from the Business Performance... Read more »
Global Maritime Shipping Industry at the Tipping Point of Digitization, Still Needs Better Data Sharing and Collaboration, Says BPI Network Study Report
Study Finds Huge Opportunities to Improve Performance and Customer Service Through Better Use of Technology Across the Ocean Supply Chain
(SAN JOSE, Calif. - June 20, 2017) The maritime industry and broader ocean supply chain are suffering from major and costly inefficiencies due to ineffective data sharing and poor cross-industry collaboration, according to a new report and industry survey released today by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network in coordination with Navis and XVELA, both part of Cargotec. The study, entitled “Competitive... Read more »
New Study Predicts Smart Embrace of Operational Connectedness Will Drive Competitive Advantage and Category Disruption
(San Jose, Calif. - April 18, 2017) Many companies are unprepared for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), but most executives at those companies realize that the future of their business depends on it, according to a new study just released by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network. The study also suggests that large-scale integrators and other channel partners will be among the biggest IIoT beneficiaries over... Read more »
The Security Of Confidential Documents Is A Significant Problem For Most Companies, Says New BPI Network Study Report
60 Percent of Survey Respondents Say Sensitive Documents Have Accidentally Been Sent to the Wrong Person
(San Jose, Calif. - March 14, 2017) There is a widespread and growing need to improve security practices surrounding confidential documents in most organizations today, according to a new study by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network. In a global survey of managers and information workers, 6 out of every 10 respondents said they or someone they know have accidently sent out a document they shouldn’t... Read more »
Global CFOs Are Finding Strategic Opportunities When Addressing Reporting Burden, According to New Research
BPI Network’s Latest Research Highlights How CFOs Are Tackling Regulatory and Corporate Reporting Complexity While Also Expanding Their Strategic Roles
(San Jose, Calif. - July 12, 2016) Savvy finance executives are seeing increased regulatory and financial reporting requirements as transformation opportunities, according to a new study released today by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network and sponsored by Tagetik, a visionary leader in global performance management software solutions. While global financial and regulatory reporting demands have grown... Read more »
BPI Network Study, Sponsored by Foxit Software, Highlights Challenges and Risks of Working with Untraceable Documents
(San Jose, Calif. - June 27, 2016) A new study released today by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network finds an overwhelming majority of professionals are dealing with document-related productivity challenges associated with the inability to locate and track documents, control versions, efficiently complete reviews and approvals, and maintain information security. Based on a survey of approximately 500... Read more »
New Research from Penton's IoT Institute Finds Privacy & Organizational Readiness are the Primary Challenges of Implementing IoT
(San Francisco, Calif. - June 22, 2016) Penton's IoT Institute, a new business unit focused on the rapidly-growing world of the Internet of Things (IoT), today unveiled new research which finds privacy and organizational readiness are the primary challenges of implementing IoT. "While security and data privacy were cited as key concerns, the majority of respondents view IoT as an opportunity to achieve multiple business... Read more »
Initiative to Team the BPI Network, CMO Council and Penton’s IoT Institute with Program Sponsors to Drive New Global Discussion on Growing Impact of Industrial Connectedness
(San Jose, Calif. - April 21, 2016) The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and Penton’s IoT Institute today announced they are collaborating on a global thought leader initiative to benchmark where and how companies are deriving business value and creating competitive advantage from adoption and use of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The program, entitled... Read more »
Skills Shortages, Short-Term Thinking, Lack of Collaboration and Insufficient Funding Are Impeding Progress on IT Transformation, New Study Finds
(San Jose, Calif. - November 30, 2015) Most frontline IT professionals around the world give their companies failing or near failing grades on their ability to implement transformational technologies and drive IT innovation to gain competitive advantage. According to a new research report released today, many of those running networks, data centers and back-end systems say lack of planning, deficiencies in key skills, insufficient... Read more »
New Study Scorecards IT Performance Against Business and Customer-Value Building Metrics; Highlights Benefits of Embracing Game-Changing Technologies
(San Francisco, Calif. - August 10, 2015) Global business leaders expect their IT organizations to realize measurable business and competitive advantages from technology transformation reveals a new study from the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, an international executive change advocacy group. The latest research – part of the BPI Network’s “Transform to Better Perform” knowledge transfer... Read more »
Global Executives and Entrepreneurs Say Customers are Biggest Beneficiaries of New Venture Contenders, Technology Innovators and Change Agents
(San Jose, CA - May 14, 2015) Many of world’s largest corporations are scrambling to transform and remodel their businesses as lean and inventive new startups with vision, ambition and a willingness to take risks disrupt their markets and prompt acquisitions, restructuring and a new focus on innovation, reports the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network. In fact, the report finds that global executives... Read more »
“Transform to Better Perform” Initiative Brings Business and IT Leaders Into Multilevel Global Discussion on Imperatives and Pathways to Next Generation Data Centers and Lower Cost, More Adaptive Cloud-Based IT Operations
(San Jose, CA - May 11, 2015) The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, a Silicon Valley based organization representing enterprise leaders, today announced a major campaign to explore business imperatives and IT trends reshaping the future of data centers and evolving hybrid IT models. The wide-reaching initiative will embrace multiple global partners, communities and stakeholder groups to develop insights and... Read more »
BPI Network's 2015 Innovation Outlook Highlights Top Obstacles to Innovation; Capacity to Innovate Driven by Culture, Strategy and Structured Process
(San Jose, CA - April 6, 2015) Organizations worldwide have increased their focus on innovation. Yet, too often, they’re stymied by ingrained fear of failure and internal politics, as well as a lack of clear strategies and repeatable processes to make innovation measurable and accountable across the enterprise, according to a study released today by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network. The study,... Read more »
Getting Access to New Ideas, Insights and Innovations Is Biggest Reason to Partner, Reveals New Study by CMO Council and BPI Network
(San Jose, CA - September 8, 2014) New ideas and innovation are the lifeblood of 21st century businesses. They’re also the number-one driver for strategic partnerships worldwide, according to a new study by the CMO Council and the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network. The new study, based on a survey of 330 senior management executives and 20 in-depth qualitative interviews, finds that 42 percent of... Read more »
Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network Study Showcases Key Financial Practices Companies Adopt to Drive Greater Agility and Performance
(San Jose, CA - August 13, 2014) With Wall Street vehemently punishing stocks for missing earnings projections, companies would be well served to consider new agile financial processes that improve predictability and responsiveness to changing business conditions, as advocated in a report issued today by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network. The report, “Predictability Though Planning Agility: Best... Read more »
Business Performance Innovation Network Says Latest Data Shows Banks and Credit Unions Overpaying Average of $1.2 Million Over Fair Market During Life of a contract
(San Jose, CA - July 21, 2014) Continued consolidation within the core processing and IT services industry has made it increasingly difficult for community banks and credit unions to get a fair shake from vendors, according to a new report issued today by the Business Performance Innovation Network. However, community financial institutions that renegotiate contracts based on national fair market pricing stand to save... Read more »
U.S. Finance Executives Concerned About Healthcare Reform but Still Optimistic About the Economy
Survey of CFOs and Finance Professionals Raise Economic Concerns Over Healthcare Reform; Companies Adopt More Frequent Budgeting and Forecasting as the New Norm
(Mountain View, CA - June 5, 2013) Healthcare reform has made its way to the top of current economic concerns among America’s chief financial officers, according to the most recent Quarterly Volatility & Variables Poll conducted the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network in association with Adaptive Planning. However, finance executives remain optimistic about the overall economy. With new healthcare... Read more »
B2B Marketers Must Improve Relevance and Performance of Digital Content, Notes New CMO Council Study
Business Buyers Rate Vendor Content Poorly in Value and Trustworthiness; Survey Reveals High Incidence of Digital Content Sharing and Great Buyer Dependence on Online Content Sourcing
(Palo Alto, CA - June 3, 2013) A new Content ROI study by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and NetLine reveals that business buyers give vendors poor marks for the value and trustworthiness of their online content, rating content produced by professional organizations and industry groups as more usable and relevant. The report—entitled “Better Lead Yield in the Content Marketing... Read more »
American Community Banks and Credit Unions Overpay fror Core Services and Technology Suport, Reveals New Study
Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network Audit Finds Participating Institutions Reduced Operating Costs by an Average of 24 Percent After Restructuring Core Services and IT Contracts
(Palo Alto, CA - May 20, 2013) There’s bad news and good news for America’s 14,000 community banks and credit unions struggling with increased regulation, growing competition from larger institutions, and tightening net interest margins. And it all boils down to an ability to negotiate better IT service provider contracts. Community financial institutions are significantly overpaying for one of their largest... Read more »
Upbeat View From Nation's Finance Execs Prior to Election Day; Fiscal Cliff, Budget Deficit and Job Creation Remain Concerns
Quarterly Volatility & Variables Poll of 540 Corporate Executives Indicates Many CFOs Are Stressed and Plan to Be More Diligent in Planning and Forecasting
(Mountain View, CA - November 1, 2012) While there may be mixed views of the U.S. economic outlook by the two Presidential candidates, three quarters of America's corporate financial executives are relatively bullish about the economy and expect it will stay the same or improve over the next six months. Perhaps, irrespective of who takes office in the White House. Most of the 540 financial officers surveyed in a new poll... Read more »
Upbeat View From Nation's Finance Execs Prior to Election Day; Fiscal Cliff, Budget Deficit and Job Creation Remain Concerns
Quarterly Volatility & Variables Poll of 540 Corporate Executives Indicates Many CFOs Are Stressed and Plan to Be More Diligent in Planning and Forecasting
(Mountain View, CA - November 1, 2012) While there may be mixed views of the U.S. economic outlook by the two Presidential candidates, three quarters of America's corporate financial executives are relatively bullish about the economy and expect it will stay the same or improve over the next six months. Perhaps, irrespective of who takes office in the White House. Most of the 540 financial officers surveyed in a new poll... Read more »
CFOs and Finance Professionals Remain Upbeat Despite Sputtering Economy
Quarterly Survey Shows Slow Jobs Growth, Government Gridlock, and European Instability Creating Increased Uncertainty and Driving More Re-Planning
(Mountain View, CA - October 27, 2011) Finance executives have seen a significant deterioration in economic conditions from the second to the third quarter of 2011. The percentage of executives reporting that conditions in their industry are worse now than they were 6 months ago more than doubled in the third quarter (38 percent) versus the second quarter (only 18 percent), and those expecting conditions to deteriorate further over... Read more »
CMO Council to Support White House 'Innovation Recognition' Campaign with Office of Science and Technology Policy
(Palo Alto, CA - September 23, 2011) The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council is putting its support behind White House, GSA and Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) initiatives to team with the private sector on formative intellectual capital programs. Aimed at inspiring open innovation and grassroots 'inventioneering,' these initiatives center on contests and challenges that offer significant incentives linked to... Read more »
CMO Council Study Sees Marketing Supply Chain Materials Hitting The Mark But Operational Gaps Detract From Frontline Effectiveness
Up to 50 Percent of Marketing Consumables Deemed Waste As Marketers Lack Critical View Into Provisioning Logistics, Consumption Metrics and Localized Needs
(Palo Alto, CA - August 16, 2011) Front line personnel from store managers to field marketing directors agree that marketing support materials are big contributors to the selling process. But there is still a massive amount of waste and obsolescence due to poor tracking, provisioning and just in time delivery of sales and merchandising materials to the field, reports the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council. According to a... Read more »
Operational Transformation Sets for Renewed Commitment to Marketing Performance Measurement, Reports CMO Council
Digital Marketing Effectiveness and Social Media Integration, Measurement and Alignment are the Priorities for Marketers Seeking Increased Visibility and Accountability
(Palo Alto, CA - July 18, 2011) Say goodbye to “Random Acts of Marketing” as integration, alignment, visibility and return on investment (ROI) all top the list of requirements for marketing performance improvement through 2011, reports the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council in its latest State of Marketing Report released today, sponsored by Deloitte and OpenText. At risk are agencies and resources failing to... Read more »
Financial Executives More Optimistic Than Ever Despite Concerns About Deficit, Jobs, and Global Crises
Quarterly Survey Reveals that CFOs are Preparing for Growth Amidst Current Job Volatility, Japan Earthquake Aftermath, and Middle East and Africa Unrest
(Mountain View, CA - June 6, 2011) Financial executives paint current conditions as the most positive in recent times. Two thirds of finance executives expect the overall economy in 2011 to fare better than in 2010, and 60 percent expect revenue to grow at their companies. Over one third (35 percent) expect to hire over the next six months. These results are part of the findings of a quarterly poll of... Read more »
CMO Council Launches Major Campaign to Address Subscriber Complexity in Global Communications Markets
Initiative and Industry Survey Explore Issues and Opportunities for Service Providers and Cable/Satellite System Operators to Handle Increasing Challenges of Change and Choice
(Palo Alto, CA - March 23, 2011) The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council announced a major new thought leadership initiative to examine the extent and effects of a demanding new world of subscriber complexity and choice in today’s communications services market. The new global program will profile and benchmark where and how companies are experiencing and addressing diverse needs, preferences, and behavior... Read more »
CMO Council Study Reveals Sales Groups Hoard Marketing Consumables to Circumvent Ineffective Marketing Supply Chain Operations
Damaged Materials, Slow Delivery, Lack of Inventory and Poor Visibility Into Operational Process Further Strains Marketing Budget and Diminishes Sales Effectiveness
(Palo Alto, CA - February 22, 2011) Lack of confidence in the Marketing Supply Chain appears to be a major contributor to the hoarding of marketing materials by sales executives. According to the results of new a CMO Council study, nearly one in two sales executives over-orders critical marketing support materials by as much as 25 percent per order. The online study of 117 sales leaders reveals that while sales values the... Read more »
Finance Executives Report Improved Economic Conditions and Record Levels of Optimism for 2011
Quarterly Survey Finds Improvements in Many Economic Indicators; Unemployment Continues to Be Leading Concern
(Mountain View, CA - February 16, 2011) Sixty-four percent of finance executives expect the overall economy in 2011 to fare better than in 2010 – an optimistic outlook reflected by reports of improving economic conditions, reduced fears of a “double-dip” recovery and increased expectations for revenue growth. These results are part of the findings of a quarterly poll of finance executives conducted in December 2010... Read more »
CMO Council Study Finds Blind Spots in Go-To-Market Process Limit Demand Chain Performance and Revenue Optimization
Marketers Overlook Criticality of Sales Channel Provisioning, Collateral Fulfillment and Field Marketing Support in Driving Frontline Effectiveness and Competitive Advantage
(Palo Alto, CA - November 29, 2010) A new study by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council reveals significant blind spots in the go-to-market process as marketers focus on strategy, creative development and campaign execution to the detriment of effective demand chain provisioning. The latter includes the efficient and timely delivery of marketing and merchandising materials to dealer, agent, franchise, retail and brand... Read more »
CMO Council and BPI Network to Partner with Asia-Pacific Business and Technology Report
Leading Publisher and Affinity Networks to Further Knowledge Transfer and Insight Gathering in a Dynamic Regional Economy
(Seoul, South Korea - October 8, 2010) Furthering their regional reach and access, the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network will team with the Asia-Pacific Business and Technology Report (APBTR) to gain new content channels and syndication sources in the world’s fastest growing and most influential regional market with more than four billion consumers. With... Read more »
CMO Council Tackles Inefficient Marketing Supply Chain Strategy
Partners with NVISION to Help Banish Waste and Ineffectiveness By Mapping the Critical Factors to Achieving Marketing Supply Chain Operational Optimization
(Palo Alto, CA - August 17, 2010) The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, in partnership with NVISION®, has launched a new initiative to drive best practices and thought leadership in Marketing Supply Chain operations planning, forecasting and budget allocation across all areas of the marketing mix. “Mapping + Tracking the Optimized Marketing Supply... Read more »
BPM Forum to Partner with Chief Executive Magazine
Joint Programs Will Advance Thought Leadership on Driving Performance Accountability Across the Enterprise
(Palo Alto, CA - May 17, 2010) The BPM Forum, an organization aimed at advancing Business Performance Management (BPM) strategies and practices, today announced that Chief Executive Magazine will become a media partner and co-producer of thought leadership programs. Chief Executive joins an influential lineup of companies involved in the BPM Forum, which currently represents some 500 global corporations with combined annual... Read more »
Performance Innovation A Key Requirement To Compete Effectively In Emerging Markets
BPI Global Executive Network to Focus on Performance Innovation as New Global Contenders and Disruptive Competitors Emerge in Developing Countries
(Palo Alto, CA - May 17, 2010) Profound changes in the global innovation landscape have set the stage for the creation of a new executive-level knowledge exchange called the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network. The aim is to further thought leadership about how global companies can “transform to better perform” as they seek to tap more complex, cost-sensitive, growth economies with large,... Read more »
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council Leads Corporate Initiative to Raise Funds for Global Charities By Making Contributions on Behalf of Individual Respondents Completing Market Research Surveys, Studies and Feedback Audits
(New York, NY - September 14, 2009) A new global business and public sector coalition – led by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and many notable non-profits – today announced a milestone initiative to “survey the socially beneficial way” by making donations to causes on behalf of those individuals participating in funded market research programs around the... Read more »
Study Shows Even The Most Savvy Of Users Are Failing To Properly Protect Themselves Against Online Threats Recent
Recent in-depth look at the personal security practices of the working press, charged with covering cyber-security, shows that even the most informed users fail to understand their personal role in securing the cyberspace
(Amsterdam - August 3, 2009) A recent survey of the cyber security habits of the working press raises interesting questions about the practices of users in general. In spite of the high visibility the media has given to cyber security, members of the press are dropping the ball in efforts to protect themselves against online threats. Recently conducted by the BPM Forum and AVG Technologies, the Protect the Press... Read more »
BPM Forum and E2Open Launch The Acceleration of Eco-Operation Initiative to Bring Accountability to the Demand-Supply Network
BPM Forum and E2open report shows heightened awareness of need to be more green and efficient, but lack of leadership and standardized sustainability metrics hamper efforts
(Palo Alto, CA - July 20, 2009) Are global corporations -- who move trillions of dollars in manufactured goods, components and commodities around the world -- making gains in reducing carbon footprints? Are they effectively improving real-time visibility, control and accountability across every area and member of their giant supply and demand networks? According to a new landmark study by the Business Performance... Read more »
CMO Council Set to Define and Streamline the Marketing Supply Chain
Launches Marketing Supply Chain Institute with deep dive into marketing consumables supply chain management
(Palo Alto, CA - May 27, 2009) The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council today announced it will launch a new research project and think tank dedicated to driving best practices in marketing supply chain management in the $1.5 trillion marketing services sector. This initiative will assess the effectiveness of spend, procurement processes, agency resource utilization, the sourcing and delivery of marketing... Read more »
New Study Shows eCommerce Companies in Need of IT Sustainability and Efficiency Improvements, But Failing to Take Action
Comprehensive BPM Forum and Rackable Systems survey and report shows eCommerce industry more sensitized to benefits of going green in the data center, but lacking leadership
(Palo Alto, CA - February 9, 2009) A resounding 97 percent of IT professionals feel that it is important for their Internet and eCommerce related businesses to reduce their carbon footprint, yet little real action is underway to reduce energy consumption in the data center, according to a report released today. Eighty-two percent say their organizations are more sensitized to ecological considerations, but that same... Read more »
BPM Forum Lauds President-Elect Obama's Decision to Appoint First Chief Performance Officer
Enormous challenges, new position has opportunity to bring new levels of visibility, accountability and change to Federal Government
(Palo Alto, CA - January 7, 2009) The Business Performance Management (BPM) Forum, a global private sector executive group advocating corporate accountability, compliance and operational visibility, applauds the decision of President-elect Barack Obama to appoint the first White House Chief Performance Officer. Performance Management, based on the use of business intelligence solutions and platforms, is being... Read more »
BPM Forum and Rackable Systems Launch Think Eco-Logical Initiative to Educate Companies on the Business Benefits of Going Green
BPM Forum and Rackable Systems Launch Think Eco-Logical Initiative to Educate Companies on the Business Benefits of Going Green Pilot survey confirms resounding support for campaign
(Palo Alto, CA - December 2, 2008) The Think Eco-Logical™ initiative, a milestone thought leadership program supported by IT professionals across multiple industries, is being launched today to educate enterprises and organizations on combining environmental concerns with intelligent business management. The core theme of the Think Eco-Logical movement addresses both the environmental side (Eco) of IT... Read more »
CMO Council Scorecard Rates Vendor/Channel Performance and Partnerships As Deficient Across Six Major Channel Sectors
Resellers give vendors poor marks on lead value, volume and marketing campaign effectiveness; lack of collaborative team selling and account conflict remain issues
(Palo Alto, CA - April 1, 2008) The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council today released a scorecard and findings from its new Channel Performance Outlook Study that many might view as a failing grade for how vendors drive business performance through some of the most critical avenues of customer engagement, purchasing and service worldwide. Topping the list of channel complaints were lean lead rates, unqualified... Read more »
New Study Finds Most Companies Ill-Prepared for Imminent Periods of Intense Data Flow
BPM Forum poll shows IT identifies multiple forces creating 'Digital Deluge'; organizations scrambling to add capacity and performance
(Palo Alto, CA - March 21, 2008) Most IT organizations are not equipped to handle periods of intense data flow, despite the majority saying they know they are coming in the next year. More than half have already experienced productivity losses as a result of data overload at critical business junctures, and 25 percent willingly share specific stories of how poor data performance has hurt their business. As a result,... Read more »

The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network is an influential group of senior-level executives driving transformation, process re-invention, organizational innovation, lean operation, and competitive adaptability in multi-national enterprises worldwide. Members of this change-centered affinity network represent companies with combined annual revenues of more than $1 trillion. The aim is to share thinking and advance best practices in how enterprises can "transform to better perform" as they seek to tap more complex, cost-sensitive, growth markets with large, diverse and evolving consumer and infrastructure needs…

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