Game Changer Insights Detail
5 big questions on innovation

Thomas Buckholtz, Business Advisor and Innovation Consultant
Dr. Thomas J. Buckholtz, Ph.D., made key contributions to the following business, technology, and governmental innovations. Produce cost savings equal to 1.5 percent of corporate revenue, by leading a company-wide grassroots innovation program. Pioneer 3 information technologies. Develop 3 leading-edge information systems. Establish 3 information-technology marketplace business practices. Improve...
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How is your team changing the game within your industry sector?
Let people pursue their natural curiosity and good intensions. Nudge a person's curiosity, intensions, and pursuit toward outcomes that benefit the organization, its customers and other external constituencies, as well as the person's colleagues and self. Help people overcome shyness about trying to make a difference.
What are some of the biggest impediments to innovation in your organization or industry sector?
One impediment is a lack of broad-based, impactful thinking and action - both by individuals and at a societal level. This extends to enterprises, governments, suppliers of learning, and other components of society. People miss or misjudge key issues, opportunities, and problems. People overly focus on "yes or no?" regarding one possibility rather than on "to what extent?" regarding several possibilities. Problems outweigh opportunities. Busyness trumps business.
How has innovation become engrained in your organization's culture, and how is it being optimized?
Organizations have opportunities to use various practices that people correlate with the word "innovation." I hope organizations look for, adopt, and adapt suitable innovation practices. I hope organizations avoid inappropriately immature or ossifying practices.
What technologies, business models, and trends will drive the biggest changes in your industry over the next two years?
Positive change may occur based on people first focusing on useful opportunities, objectives, and endeavors and second involving appropriate thinking and useful resources - beyond and including technology. Some pivotal technology may correlate with helping people think more effectively. Others may correlate with people's choices of what to measure, how to measure, and what to do based on measurements. Still others may correlate with people's abilities to determine the extent to which people (and systems) rely on supposed information.
Can you share a specific innovation strategy you’ve recently encountered which you find compelling?
People who have "free time" and use it wisely. Organizations that foster creativity and the converting of creativity into innovation. Organizations that have adequately broad views of innovation and aspects of business, governance, and society for which innovation can be beneficial. Organizations that help people avoid undue busyness. Organizations that build society, customers, business practices, partners, suppliers, and relationships - along with lines of products and services. Organizations that reuse and teach - not just use - beneficial practices, processes, knowledge, and data.