Game Changers
Game Changer Profile

Niraj Jetly, COO and CIO at NutriSavings Read insights
As COO and Chief Information Officer at NutriSavings, Niraj Jetly and his team have pioneered a way to make healthy food both affordable and understandable, and are building a new ecosystem which is changing the game for corporate health costs and employee productivity in the process.
A spin-off from corporate services giant Edenred, Nutrisavings has harnessed data technologies, nationwide grocery partnerships, research, and innovative thinking around food choices to save costs for large employers and health plans, while boosting productivity and even life longevity for tens of thousands of users.
Jetly realized that the true front line in the battle for good, productive health in the US lay not in the pharmacy or the kitchen or even the gym, but rather in the nation’s grocery aisles – and that this was the one place where consumers were defenseless in that battle.
With tax forms easier to understand than the nutritional information on a box of cereal, according to research, Jetly has driven a simple scoring and incentives system which finally decodes nutrition, and plugs in layers of savings for everyone in the value chain.
Niraj Jetly is a nationally recognized business leader and digital strategist with strong background in technology, and has nearly 20 years of experience working in the industry. He has designed award winning products for several corporations across the country. Jetly is also a champion of STEM education for middle and high school students, and co-founded the ATFS Learning Center.
An engaging, dynamic speaker and renowned thought leader, Niraj has presented and has been a panelist at several industry events like Society of Information Management (SIM), CIO Synergy, InnovateThink, Workplace wellness and Business Groups on Health. Niraj has been quoted in Wall Street Journal, IDG,, Boston Globe, and NPR.
Leading several award winning products, Niraj brings a track record of innovation. Niraj was named as CIO of the Year 2014 by BBJ, 2014 Digitial Innovator Finalist by TBM Council, CIO Impact Award winner 2014 by Frost, 2014 Information Week Elite 100, CIO 100 2013 winner and SafeRx Award winner in 2008.