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Bringing Dexterity to IT Complexity
In our previous surveys, we established that business leaders today expect their IT teams to drive innovation and growth through modern transformative technologies. Yet a new survey of Frontline IT workers shows very few corporations have taken even the most basic steps on the road to IT transformation. This study discovered major failings in the planning, resource allocation, staffing, collaboration and financial commitments needed to fulfill that vision.
Bringing Dexterity to IT Complexity: What’s Helping or Hindering IT Tech Professionals marks the third phase of research for the Transform to Better Perform initiative. The findings of this report represent the insights and perspectives from over 200 Frontline IT professionals across a wide plane of disciplines in different parts of the world. Through our research, we set out to learn about what the Frontline is experiencing, how they perceive their strengths and weaknesses, what business expects from them, how they would measure success, and what their needs are in order to successfully transform IT.